Two professors of physics shed light on black holes as part of the scientific collaboration that detected gravitational waves.
Professor Sarah Murnen and her students examine and challenges gender stereotyping in toys.
Professor Drew Kerkhoff wins a National Science Foundation grant to study climate change's impact on plant life.
A seminar taught by Professor Nurten Kilic-Schubel uses gender as a lens to examine a rapidly changing region.
Professor Chris Gillen explores the biochemical intricacies of exercise ini his book, "The Hidden Mechanics of Exercise."
This project, led by Professor Clara Román-Odio, aims to broaden knowledge, engagement and understanding of the Latino/a experience…
Professor of Art Marcella Hackbardt curates a photography exhibition for the Ohio Arts Council's Riffe Gallery.
A national expert on wetland ecology, Siobhan Fennessy collaborates with her students on research into these vital ecosystems.
One of Cuba’s most noteworthy contemporary writers, Professor Víctor Rodríguez Núñez has achieved international acclaim.
Jene Schoenfeld participated in a seminar on slave narratives at the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.
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