President Decatur's talk “Is There a Future for Liberal Arts?” at the City Club of Cleveland is featured on Huffington Post Education.
A new report shows that liberal arts graduates are prepared for long-term success.
Jon Green ’14 explains how learning to code helped him become a better writer.
A liberal arts education is excellent preparation for success in a range of careers.
An interactive graph illustrates the relationship between majors and careers of alumni.
The College Scorecard has both potential and limitations in how it evaluates the impact of an education.
The messages in David Bowie’s music resonate with an essential part of a liberal arts education, writes President Sean Decatur.
The story of Flint should be a constant reminder of the need to keep the concepts of citizenship and ethics front and center in education.
President Sean Decatur visits SXSWedu to discuss the future of liberal arts colleges and answer some of the big questions facing college presidents.
Leopoldo Lopez '93 exemplifies the responsibilities of citizenship a liberal arts education is meant to instill.
President Sean Decatur reflects on how the inherent tension between civility and free speech will lead the way to progress.
When “elite” institutions fail to connect with the fabric of America, we must examine and amend our shortcomings.
We need concrete plans and actions on how to move us closer to our aspirations of being a community where free expression is not in opposition to inclusion, but where these two principles work in harmony.
Kenyon’s president addresses Stanford University chemistry graduates and shares lessons on science in the liberal arts.
Riding in Pelotonia is a great experience, and one of the things I enjoy about cycling is the opportunity to let my mind wander.
President Decatur reflects on how years of a liberal arts education have been a source of strength while caring for an elderly parent.