General Kenyon

Catching Up with Kenyon
Kenyon News
Changes on campus include new health center, Hillel House, and Middle Path.
Changes on campus include new health center, Hillel House, and Middle Path.
Kenyon’s Jewish center relocates to a new building.
Kenyon celebrates the dedication of the newly built Rothenberg Hillel House.
Acclaimed klezmer fiddler Alicia Svigals presents her original score for a silent film in a screening at the Gund Gallery.
A new Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, directed by Marc Bragin, will promote interfaith dialogues across campus.
We are not brought together here at Kenyon merely to learn how to be civil in the face of growing incivility; we are here to learn how to be decent in the face of growing indecency.
A weekly opportunity to have breakfast with Kenyon’s religious leaders connects spiritual and social life.