Kenyon Mourns Helen Forman P'73
Helen Forman, longtime College bookstore employee and daughter and mother of Kenyon pioneers, died Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, at her home in Gambier.
Helen Forman, longtime College bookstore employee and daughter and mother of Kenyon pioneers, died Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, at her home in Gambier.
A Kenyon alumna is ready for the challenge of connecting people of all beliefs in her new role as College chaplain and leader of an Episcopal parish.
The Brown Family Environmental Center celebrates 20 years of providing students a living laboratory.
Mary Hettlinger, a longtime community member, has died at 87.
Kenyon welcomes 493 members of the Class of 2019 to the Hill.
Kenyon welcomes students, staff and community members for a feast held along Middle Path.
Three trees on Kenyon’s campus have been designated state champions.
Missing the Hill? Read about campus life back to 1856 through a new online collection of the student newspaper.
Kenyon provides a finish line for the Pelotonia bike ride that raises millions for cancer research.
Grant from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations sets the stage for interdisciplinary first-year seminar.
Kenyon launches a new office of community engagement, led by Jennifer Odenweller.
Alumni, faculty, parents, staff and students are invited to a new Kenyon digital community, Switchboard.
A new Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, directed by Marc Bragin, will promote interfaith dialogues across campus.
Sarah Eisenlohr ’15 and Shariq Khan ’15 receive the Franklin Miller Award for their academic contributions to Kenyon.