A new public award named after Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López ’93 honors his commitment to plural and inclusive democracy…
CSAD recently hosted evening of information and discussion related to the city charter commission ballot issue for Mount Vernon.
Speakers with diverse perspectives visited Kenyon to discuss an important and timely topic for higher education and American politics…
This Kenyon conference, a conversation about politics, the presidency and the 2016 election, took place in Washington D.C.
CSAD's fourth biennial conference will be oriented around "The Expectation of Privacy: Encryption, Surveillance and Big Data."
Balko focused on the militarization of American police forces, exemplified by increased use of military-grade gear & SWAT teams.
Kenyon always has prided itself on a dedication to debating the issues of the day, no matter how controversial, through deliberative inquiry and civil, probing conversation. Drawing on this tradition, the Center for the Study of American Democracy seeks open debate toward a subtle understanding of history, timeless questions and fundamental principles.
Located in O'Connor House, the center organizes conferences, lectures, and seminars with the goal of stimulating nonpartisan civic and political discourse. The center also provides teaching and research opportunities for faculty and students and promotes student internships in Washington, D.C. Established in 2007, the center was funded through a “We the People” Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.