Information about the process for electing an alternative plan of study — studying remotely rather than in person, petitioning to be on campus during your remote semester, delaying your entrance, or taking time off from Kenyon — is available below along with the relevant request forms.
Students may also reach out to Dean of Students Robin Hart Ruthenbeck or Dean of Academic Advising and Support Thomas Hawks to explore your options. While there is no deadline at Kenyon for requesting a leave of absence for a semester or the full year, we ask that students who wish to pursue one of the other options to submit their request by July 31, 2020.
Students are allowed to initiate a leave after the semester has begun but are subject to Kenyon’s Refund Policy if they withdraw after the beginning of the term.
Information on the readmissions process is available online. Though students on personal leaves have their readmissions applications reviewed by the Readmission Committee, the process of returning from a personal leave is not a selective one, and there is a strong presumption in favor of readmission – barring exceptional circumstances.