As a member of the Kenyon College community, I support a culture in which I contribute to the well-being of others while I also care for myself. I am aware that my individual decisions may greatly impact the health of fellow community members and contribute to the success of the 2020-2021 academic year. In recognition of this interconnectedness:
Ensuring the overall health and safety of the Kenyon Community. I will do this by putting the health of the community first, and realizing that my actions have effects on others, who may be more vulnerable than I, doing my part to keep them safe.
Making health-conscious decisions that will limit my exposure and exposure of others to COVID-19 including wearing a face-covering, washing or sanitizing my hands regularly, and maintaining social distancing to the best of my ability.
Regularly monitoring myself for the symptoms of COVID-19. If displaying symptoms such as fever of 100.4 F (38 C) or higher, dry cough, difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or loss of taste or smell, I will immediately contact a medical professional and avoid contact with other members of the community.
Encouraging safe and sanitary behaviors in others. Options I have in encouraging such behaviors include reminding my fellow community member of community expectations and referring them to informational resources.
Adopted August 2020
Endorsed by Campus Senate