Go directly to a president's full biography by selecting them from the list below.
An asterisk (*) denotes an acting president.
- Philander Chase (1825-1831)
- Charles Pettit McIlvaine (1832-1840)
- David Bates Douglass (1840-1844)
- Samuel Fuller (1844-1845)
- Sherlock A. Bronson (1845-1850)
- Thomas M. Smith (1850-1854)
- Lorin Andrews (1854-1861)
- Benjamin L. Lang (1861-1863)*
- Charles Short (1863-1867)
- James Kent Stone (1867-1868)
- Eli Todd Tappan (1868-1975)
- Edward C. Benson (1875-1876)*
- William B. Bodine (1876-1891)
- William B. Bodine (1876-1891)
- William Foster Peirce (1896-1937)
- Gordon Keith Chalmers (1937-1956)
- Frank E. Bailey (1956-1957)*
- F. Edward Lund (1957-1968)
- William G. Caples (1968-1975)
- Philip H. Jordan (1975-1995)
- Reed S. Browning (1989)*
- Robert A. Oden Jr. (1995-2002)
- Ronald A. Sharp (2002-2003)*
- S. Georgia Nugent (2003-2013)
- Sean M. Decatur (2013-current)