Consistent giving makes a difference. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor who has made a gift in each of the past five years. In many cases, these donors have much longer unbroken records of giving. Alumni who graduated in the past five years receive an asterisk if they have given each year since graduation.
Kenyon is pleased to recognize Kenyon Fund leadership donors by listing their name in bold font.
This list reflects gifts given to the Kenyon Fund between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
Kenyon Fund Total: $60,033
Participation: 38%
Class Agents: Myles H. Alderman Jr., Robert J. Bradfield III, Elizabeth A. Izant, Grace Keefe Huebscher, Thomas C. Keene, Rory P. Mach, John T. Mackessy, Jonathan W. Painter, Hilary Quay Sparks-Roberts, Brian K. Wilbert, Emily J. Yukich
James G. Allen *
Katharine W. Allen *
F. Scott Allsbrook *
Howard J. Alter *
Michael G. Berick
Bruce A. Berlin *
James A. Black
Valerie J. Blaxall *
Robert E. Blythe *
Mark A. Boettler
J. Elise Bowers *
Robert J. Bradfield III
Anne Vance Bright
Laurie Brown Miles *
G. Stuart Campbell *
Timothy W. Carlson *
Sharon Castle Currier *
John M. Collins *
Everard B. Corcoran P'18*
Meg Cranston
David R. Dininny
William E. Dunn *
Bill Edwards
L. William Erb *
Abigail R. Esman
Paul H. Feinberg *
Rebecca M. Flynn *
Mary Ann Flynn *
Paul Gambal P'14*
Anne Y. Gerlach *
Charles F. Gill III *
James F. Ginley *
Sheldon W. Goidell Jr. *
Christine S. Gretchko *
Susan L. Griffith *
Anna Grimes Noser *
Joseph A. Grimes III *
Diane Gross Leifer
Stephen F. Hale *
Wilbur H. Hane III
Jeremy S. Harrison P'17*
John A. Hays *
Hewitt Heiserman Jr. *
Peter B. Hennessy
Anne D. Himmelright *
Christopher Hoyle
Grace Keefe Huebscher *
Phyllis M. Huffman
Nagwa M. Hultquist
Christine M. Hynes
Kristin H. Ives *
Elizabeth A. Izant *
Douglas B. Jacoby *
Charleen Ramus Jaffe
Elizabeth E. Johnson *
Evan O. Jones
Amy S. Kass
J. Howard Kay Jr.
Thomas C. Keene *
Norman M. Kenyon
Maryanna Klatt *
Keith E. Krusz *
Cecilia Lad Smith *
Christopher J. Land *
Laurie T. Leadbetter *
DeDe Lewis Rowe *
Luke B. Lockwood
Karin Hartmann Ludlow *
Rory P. Mach P'17 '14*
John T. Mackessy P'16*
Allison P. Mackie
Kirsten K. Mahlman
Tammy L. Martin *
Richard H. Mattoon *
Elizabeth McCutcheon
David J. McNamara *
Suzanne D. Morrill
Anne M. Mundell *
Thomas M. Nelson *
Wendy J. Owens
Jonathan W. Painter *
Judith L. Painter
D. William Pumphrey Jr. *
Laura Read Wood
Lauren Reel Finn *
Peter S. Resnik *
Penny J. Rezet *
Barbara S. Riazzi *
Timothy J. Riazzi *
Margaret Richey Nelson *
Lynne B. Roblin *
Anne V. Romano
Andrew D. Sappey
John P. Schenk *
Peter J. Seoane
Allison P. Shipley *
Victoria Smith McKenzie P'14*
Geoffrey T. Smith
Hilary Quay Sparks-Roberts *
Helen A. Staveley *
G. Darwin Toll *
Corrin S. Trowbridge
Karla Reese Ware-Erb *
Jamie K. Weeks
Susan D. Weil-Kazzaz P'18*
Brian K. Wilbert *
Daniel J. Wilson
Anthony W. Wood
Emily J. Yukich *
James L. Zellner
Michael K. Zorek *
Endowment, Capital and Restricted Gifts
James G. Allen *
Katharine W. Allen *
Thomas G. D'Arcy P'12*
Ronald L. DeVore
Grace Keefe Huebscher *
Thomas M. Reiter
Peter S. Resnik *
Victoria Smith McKenzie P'14*