Consistent giving makes a difference. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor who has made a gift in each of the past five years. In many cases, these donors have much longer unbroken records of giving. Alumni who graduated in the past five years receive an asterisk if they have given each year since graduation.
Kenyon is pleased to recognize Kenyon Fund leadership donors by listing their name in bold font.
This list reflects gifts given to the Kenyon Fund between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
Kenyon Fund Total: $71,253
Participation: 57%
Class Agents: Howard B. Edelstein, Spinner Findlay
Peter L. Arango *
James W. Babcock
Jonathan W. Battle *
Carl H. Beasley III *
George W. Berndt
Richard H. Bernstein
Gregory W. Blackmer *
Andrew H. Bowman P'92*
Michael J. Brown *
Barry W. Burkhardt P'98
Merrill O. Burns P'93 '98*
John E. Carman *
Bill Cumming *
Howard B. Edelstein *
Barry I. Eisenstein *
Charles W. Findlay III *
Richard C. Fox *
Joseph France *
Edward B. Gaines *
Michael W. Gaynon
Mark S. Geston P'91 '01*
John H. Greller *
Geoffrey J. Hackman *
Richard S. Haines
Daniel G. Hale Jr.
Johnson M. Haning Jr. *
David B. Hanzel *
Raymond Heithaus P'99 H'14*
Jeffrey J. Henderson H'94*
Timothy R. Holder P'94*
David L. Hunter *
Douglas E. Hutchinson *
Charles W. Kenrick *
Joseph L. Lavieri
Paul J. Leventon P'93*
Lawrence D. Lilien *
Eric E. Linder
James E. Lockey
Paul A. Lucky *
Richard C. Malley *
Charles D. Maurer *
Breece McKinney *
A. Laurence Moreau *
John D. Morrison *
Gary L. Nave P'97 '04*
R. Richard Newcomb *
Jeffrey C. Northup
William M. Northway *
J. Bryan Perilman *
Jon W. Peterson *
Raymond S. Pfeiffer *
Ralph H. Poole III *
Paul H. Rigali Jr.*
John C. Risler *
James S. Schmid *
Pierce E. Scranton Jr. P'97 H'09*
Carl F. Seastrum *
John D. Sinks *
Paul R. Skinner *
David R. Snyder *
Gregory P. Spaid *
Charles R. Stires Jr.
Mark E. Sullivan *
Frank Svec *
Robert G. Sykes *
Robert Tait
Jack D. Train *
Steven Watts *
Timothy J. Wildman *
Steven L. Willner
Stephen B. Wuori *
William J. Yost *
Jerome P. Yurch
Endowment, Capital and Restricted Gifts
Walter R. Butler P'01
Howard B. Edelstein *
Johnson M. Haning Jr. *
Raymond Heithaus P'99 H'14*
Pierce E. Scranton Jr. P'97 H'09*
Carl F. Seastrum *
George M. Vogelei P'99
William J. Yost *