Consistent giving makes a difference. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor who has made a gift in each of the past five years. In many cases, these donors have much longer unbroken records of giving. Alumni who graduated in the past five years receive an asterisk if they have given each year since graduation.
Kenyon is pleased to recognize Kenyon Fund leadership donors by listing their name in bold font. As part of the multi-year reunion giving program, alumni celebrating their reunion in 2013 are listed under the giving society that corresponds to the sum of their gifts in the year before reunion and the year of reunion, and pledges for the year following reunion.
This list reflects gifts given to the Kenyon Fund between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
Kenyon Fund Total: $107,135
Participation: 54%
Class Agent: Michael S. Hill
Charles E. Acton *
David P. Adams *
Robert C. Altman *
Chester A. Amedia Jr. P'99
Thomas R. Baley
Allen T. Bankson *
Frank J. Berardino Jr. *
Robert S. Berger *
G. Christopher Blauvelt P'03 '10*
D. Michael Bootes
Robert C. Boruchowitz *
Richard J. Brean *
Roger A. Brown *
David F. Bushnell *
Edgar K. Byham
Alan S. Camhi *
Byard Q. Clemmons *
Tom Coakley
Richard D. Coe
Donald L. Comis
William F. Corwin *
Peter M. Cowen
Edward A. Cuda *
Frank R. Ditmars Jr. P'08
Donald A. Dunsmore *
James P. Finn *
Douglas M. Fleming *
Frank I. Ford Jr.
David L. Friedgood
Richard J. Glasebrook II *
Robert C. Goetze Jr. *
Alan D. Gross P'05*
Jerry F. Gurkoff *
Neil S. Hackworth *
Dwight D. Hatcher II
Hugh Timothy Hemphill *
Eric B. Herr
Michael S. Hill *
Murray L. Horwitz H'92*
William T. Howard *
V. Lee Johnson
Roger J. Kalbrunner
James M. Kasick
James A. Kenning *
William S. Koller Jr. P'98*
Peter B. Loughman *
Geoffrey A. Loving
Eugene R. Mancini *
Charles H. Matthewson *
Donald O. Mayer
Philip D. McManus
John K. Morrell
Jim Nininger P'12 *
Roger Novak Jr. *
Anthony W. Olbrich *
J. D. Pell Osborn *
William F. Paraska
Phillip D. Parker *
Bruce E. Pendleton P'98*
Eugene Peterson
Jeffrey P. Price *
S. Raymond Rainka
John A. Rinka
Elliott S. Robinson III
Robert A. Rubenfeld
Karl D. Ruttan *
Barry F. Schwartz *
Edward L. Smyth
Randolph St. John Jr. *
Robert A. Strong *
Larry S. Stuart
Thomas C. Swiss
David S. Thompson *
John I. Turnbull II *
Russell L. Tuverson Jr. *
Lyn Uttal *
Arthur K. Vedder *
Perry D. Warren P'00*
Rodney L. Wiggins
Endowment, Capital and Restricted Gifts
Richard J. Brean *
Donald L. Comis
James P. Finn *
Murray L. Horwitz H'92*
William S. Koller Jr. P'98*
Roger Novak Jr. *
J. D. Pell Osborn *
Barry F. Schwartz *