Consistent giving makes a difference. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor who has made a gift in each of the past five years. In many cases, these donors have much longer unbroken records of giving. Alumni who graduated in the past five years receive an asterisk if they have given each year since graduation.
Kenyon is pleased to recognize Kenyon Fund leadership donors by listing their name in bold font. As part of the multi-year reunion giving program, alumni celebrating their reunion in 2012 are listed under the giving society that corresponds to the sum of their gifts in the year before reunion and the year of reunion, and pledges for the year following reunion.
This list reflects gifts given to the Kenyon Fund between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Kenyon Fund Total: $6,987
Three-Year Reunion Kenyon Fund Total: $16,746
Grand Total Reunion Giving: $20,037
Participation: 28%
5th Reunion Committee: Todd Walters, Reunion Co-Chair; Katherine White, Reunion Co-Chair; Erin Ellingwood, Gift Chair; Lili Bitting; David Herrero; Brendan McCarthy; Emily Martyn; Will O'Keefe
Megan Ahearn
Kaelin B. C. Alexander
Emily Allen Cowles
Lindsay M. Allen *
Emily R. Atkinson
Carly B. Baird Deal
Willow A. Belden
Melinda Bennett Nguyen
Katharine L. Bente
Kelly M. Bielen *
Adam F. Birka-White *
Elizabeth C. Bitting *
E. Adele Blake
Caitlin D. Blake
Michael D. Block
Robert T. Blum
Julie L. Boddorff *
Brittain H. Brantley
Sarah E. Brieschke
Kimberly J. Brown
Leslie K. Burden
Ryan J. Burden
Adam C. Bursi
William R. Calhoun
Rose M. Calnin
David S. Clark
Laurel E. Clark
Fritz P. Clauson
John A. Compton
Jessica A. Connors *
Julia K. Dale
Rebecca Dash
N. Yana Davis *
Rebecca R. Eckart *
Sarah M. Eisner
Erin M. Ellingwood *
Andrew J. Ewing
Chris Fennell *
Anthony S. Fischer
David T. Flaherty
Andrew F. Fuchs
Margaret M. Fuchs
Terrell Fuller
Brenna J. Gallagher
Jeffrey N. Gardner
Lauren M. Garvey *
Sarah B. Goldstein *
Joseph P. Gosselar *
Jennifer Grady
Timothy R. Greenwood
Lida E. Griest
Laura M. Griffith
Emma V. Haberl
Lisa A. Hamer
Lauren E. Hauser
Emma F. Heirman
David B. Herrero *
Corinne M. Hirai
John I. Hungerford
Matthew G. Jacobssen *
Lauren D. Katz
Norman J. Kaufmann
Jeremy M. Kelly
Lee T. Kennard *
Lisa King
Alexandra E. Kittle
Michael R. Krantz
Juliana M. Kunz
Christopher B. Laco *
Ryan T. Lacy
Ashley K. Lamb
Annie E. Lambla
Luke H. Larson
Allison L. LeMay *
Deanna J. Lesht
Michael J. Lewandowski *
Amanda K. Lewis
David P. Lewis
Samantha J. Ley *
William C. Lippert
Alexandra G. Lodge
Amy N. Loria
Adam S. Lucas *
Caitlyn Lundberg *
Deborah Lynn Manner *
Emily H. Margolis
Melissa A. Martin
Emily C. Martyn *
Brendan I. McCarthy *
Robert J. McGuire *
Robert D. McMillan *
Alexander J. Mega *
Jessie E. Menzel
Andres E. Millan *
Stephanie L. Miller
Paul R. Morway *
Claire E. Navarro
Audrey T. Nelson
Charlotte Nugent
Colin M. O'Brien
Meredith C. O'Connor
Caitlin L. O'Grady
Kaitlin E. O'Malley
Megan L.M. O'Neil
Lauren C. Ostberg
Stephanie A. Paras
Courtney L. Patross
Brent H. Peterson
Sarah A. Pfeifer
Julia C. Plonowski
Corbin L. Pomeranz *
Anne T. Pomeroy *
Edward M. Pursell
Kathryn Q. Radtke
Katie A. Randall
Leah G. W. Rappaport
Maureen K. Rees
Margaret E. Rieley *
Andrew J. Ritter
Eduardo M. Rodriguez
Anna F. Rosen
Jacob A. Rosen
Kelsey C. Ross
Eileen E. Ryan *
Stuart H. Schisgall
Calloway B. Scott
Peter E.L. Seabrook
Shannon Selerowski
Spencer E. Silverthorne
Julia E. Sivon
Charles R. Sloan
David R. Slochower *
Jason C. Smith
Sophie N. Smith
Elizabeth Stanton
John W. Steele IV
Lauren Z. Steele
Brian D. Steginsky
Lilly Stolper *
Phoebe K. Stone
James V. Stouffer III
Amy L. Strieter
Nicole Stubbs
Madeline E. Sylvia
Brittany B. Taylor
Sarah P. Teczar
George L. Ten Eyck IV
William W. Terry
Amy E. Thurber
Jessica L. Tindira *
Aaron P. Tracy *
Elizabeth R. Trenga *
John N. Trujillo
Abigail W.F. Van Dam
Kathryn J. VanArendonk
Michael T. Vandenburg
Caroline M. Vander Haar *
Keenan A. Vinion
MaryClaire R. Walsh *
Todd B. Walters
Anneka M. Ward
Sarah E. Watkins
Taylor M. Watson *
Nancy H. Weindruch
Hans P. Wetzel
Katherine E. Wetzel
Katherine A. White Walters *
Erin B. Wiggins
Margaret H. Willison *
Nelie G. Zanca *
Matthew C. Zaremsky *
Kimberly L. Ziegler
Anna L. Zimmermann
Endowment, Capital and Restricted Gifts
Chris J. Caldemeyer *
Stewart H. Kerns
Christopher M. Matthews
Marc W. Steiner *