Consistent giving makes a difference. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor who has made a gift in each of the past five years. In many cases, these donors have much longer unbroken records of giving. Alumni who graduated in the past five years receive an asterisk if they have given each year since graduation.
Kenyon is pleased to recognize Kenyon Fund leadership donors by listing their name in bold font. As part of the multi-year reunion giving program, alumni celebrating their reunion in 2012 are listed under the giving society that corresponds to the sum of their gifts in the year before reunion and the year of reunion, and pledges for the year following reunion.
This list reflects gifts given to the Kenyon Fund between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Kenyon Fund Total: $11,978
Participation: 31%
Class Agents: Cynthia Cunningham, Annie Ellsworth, Jesse Spencer
Kirk B. Alexander
Michael S. Allen
Peter A. Barker-Huelster *
Lauren C. Barret
Steven J. Bartek *
Porsche Depew Beetham
Kirsten R. Bierlein
James E. Breece IV
Cynthia C. Brinich-Langlois *
Tenaya Z. Britton
Agnese Butler *
Kristin E. Calmes
Katie S. Jackson Cannon *
Gregory V. Carr
Diana E. Carroll *
Joshua R. Chapman
Julia V. Chapman
Tai J. Chiappa *
Hayden Cook
Kristin M. Covi
Caroline J. Cowan *
Joshua L. Craddock
Joseph D. Craig *
Cynthia A. Cunningham
Stephanie E. Cutts Cheney *
Charles C. Denby
Anne Higby Ellsworth *
Aaron J. Emig *
Sarah Evans Moore
Jennifer R. Feeney
Michael R. Ferson
David A. Flaherty *
Alexander J. Franz
Heather L. Fuller *
Dawn C. Gardiner *
Nora A. Geary
Jamie E. Gewirtz *
Risa R. Goehrke *
David J. Gold *
Benjamin J. Goldberger
Dustin J. Grannis
Andrew D. Greene *
Christopher N. Greene *
Andrea J. Hable *
Anna C. Handy
David R.H. Handy
Elton M. Hartney James *
Erin E. Hayward *
Aasta B. Heasley
Katrina L. Helz
George C. Herrity *
Amanda F. Hollander
Victoria K. Hougham *
Anne C.H. Huntoon *
Michael W. Inlander
Ben Irie
Lisa M. Isenhart *
Ashley M. James *
Katherine P. Jochim *
Brooke R. Johnson
Emily R. Kahn *
Eric B. Kahn *
Anna W. Kalnow
Elizabeth S. Kelly *
Leeman T. Kessler
Rachel C. Kessler
Randolph R. Ketcham
Jeremy A. Lavine
Adam G. Lazarus
Amy S. Leathe *
Timothy A. Lehmann
Jillian Levine-Sisson
Christian L. Lynn
Erin B. Lynn
Kathleen E. Mahoney
Marc G. Marie
Jeremy A. Martinich *
Lisa M. Maurer *
Brian S. McAllester
James M. McLean *
Michael P. McMahan
Christopher P. Mikus *
Charles J. Mittica *
Kenneth N. Moore
Marjorie L. Moreno
Barbara Morgan-Fedor
Ryan M. Murphy
Taryn A. Myers *
Alexander M. Neuman *
Julie A. Orr
Emma S. Patterson *
Brandon B. Phinney
Madeline S. Polton
Kassia C. Randzio *
Jennifer L. Ransom
Harrison D. Rivers *
Daniel E. Rodrigues *
Elizabeth S. Rodrigues *
Fernando M. Rodriguez
Nathan D. Rosenberg
Emily M. Ross *
Jessica Russell Murphy *
Mark R. Sarti
Devika Saxena *
Paul A. Schmid IV
Scott E. Selby
Sarah M. Silberman *
Andrew D. Smith III *
Aaron C. Stancik
Victoria M. Steen
Joseph B. Strike *
Thomas C. Susman
Mary Sutcliffe Love *
Edward Symes IV *
Erin R. Taylor
Sarah E. Taylor
Abigail L. Thompson
Mary W. Thuell *
Gordon Umbarger IV *
Margaret G. Van Cleave
Callie Vincent Simkoff *
Pamela M. Waldman *
Jenna L. Walker
Sarah M. Walsh
Carolyn M. Wendler
Allison J. Williams
Meaghan K. Winter
Endowment, Capital and Restricted Gifts
Elizabeth Galloway Schaffer *
Jessica H. Phillips