Capital Gifts
These are restricted gifts that are designated for major capital projects such as buildings. Capital gifts do not count toward the Kenyon Fund.
Endowment Gifts
Designed to make a permanent investment in Kenyon's future, gifts made to the endowment exist in perpetuity. They grow in value over time and are used to generate resources, a certain percentage of which is used annually to support current operating needs.
Fiscal Year (FY)
For accounting and budgetary purposes, the Kenyon College fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Hannah More Scholarship
One of five gift designations of the Kenyon Fund, awarded to a first generation student, the first in his or her family to attend college.
Joint Giving
This indicates the donor gives jointly with their spouse or partner. The spouse or partner may or may not be a Kenyon graduate. If alumni spouses graduated in different years, each class will receive 50% of the gift credit. Kenyon assumes that gifts from married couples are joint unless otherwise indicated.
Leadership Gift
A gift of $2,500 or more made in one fiscal year.
Acronym for donors who gave " L ast Y ear B ut U nfortunately N ot T his" year.
Marriot Park Society
Individuals who have made a planned gift to the College. These types of gifts include placing a bequest to Kenyon in your will, naming Kenyon as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or of an IRA, and/or setting up a charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or pooled income fund with the College.
Cash received from a matching company for the Kenyon Fund.
Restricted Gift
Any gift made for a specific purpose. Restricted gifts do not count toward the Kenyon Fund.
Acronym for " S ome Y ears B ut U nfortunately N ot T his," refers to Kenyon Fund donors who did not give this year or last, but who have made a gift at least once since their last reunion.
Unrestricted Gifts
Gifts which can be used for anything that supports the priorities and needs of the College, as identified and prioritized by the trustees and president of the College. Current unrestricted gifts are used within the fiscal year in which they are received and help to reduce reliance on endowment income. Only current unrestricted gifts count toward the Kenyon Fund.