Below is contact information for some area companies who offer transportation to and from the Columbus airport. Please contact them for their pricing information and to make arrangements. Advance reservations (at least 48 hours) are required. Kenyon College does not endorse any transportation company and does not vouch for the security of transportation company reservation websites.
• Cardinal Transportation – 888/636-5466
• Columbus Classic Limousines – 614-949-9222
• Columbus Transportation – 800/476-3004
• GoBus – 1-888-954-6287 The GoBus stops in Gambier, Mount Vernon, downtown • Columbus and the John Glenn International (CMH) Airport
• Madden Transportation Services -- 740-392-0790 or 740-507-1391 (cell)
• Road Runner Transportation LLC – 740-501-9166
• S&G Event Services – Greg Ulen – 740-398-5341
• Urban Express – 877/840-0411
Please note: Commercial rental cars are available at the Columbus airport. Parking at many campus facilities is limited, however, so please plan to park your car and walk around the campus.
Post on the Kenyon College Switchboard at if you are looking for, or are able to offer a ride from the Columbus airport or elsewhere to Gambier for Reunion Weekend — and perhaps back again! Thank you for publicly updating your posts if your Asks and Offers get fulfilled in order to inform others.
Parking is limited. Please park in a designated Kenyon lot and walk around campus. A permit for campus parking will be issued to all guests with vehicles and must be posted on your vehicle's dashboard at all times. Vehicles parked on campus illegally or without permits may be ticketed.
Vehicles parked in fire lanes will be towed. Please keep in mind that the county sheriff's office may ticket vehicles parked illegally in non-campus areas. The College is unable to assist with tickets issued by the sheriff's office. Contact the Campus Safety Office at 740-427-5000 with questions about parking.