If an emergency arises while you are attending Reunion Weekend, family and friends may contact the Campus Safety office at 740-427-5000.
Campus Safety Office: 740-427-5000
Campus Emergencies: 740-427-5555
Ambulance and fire: 911
Operators answer the campus emergency line (740-427-5555) twenty-four hours a day. Call this number to report a fire or an accident, injury or illness requiring medical attention.
Emergency phones, identified by a blue light, are located throughout the campus. To use them, open the box beneath the blue light and press the red button. This will put you in two-way communication with the Campus Safety Office. A campus safety officer will be dispatched to your location.
April through July is the peak season for tornadoes and severe storms in Ohio. If the warning siren sounds, seek shelter immediately. The safest place to be during a tornado is a basement. If the building has no basement, go to a small, centrally located room on the lowest level of the building, such as a bathroom, closet or interior hallway. If you are outside with no shelter, lie in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head with your hands.
The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness encourages everyone to DUCK:
D Go DOWN to the lowest level
U Get UNDER something
C COVER your head
K KEEP in shelter until the storm has passed
The College has a comprehensive emergency plan that will be enacted in the case of a severe storm or widespread power outage. In an emergency, the registration center in the Kenyon College Bookstore will serve as the center for information, instructions and updates.