Join Kenyon alumni, parents, and friends for a day of service in our community.
Join the Kenyon D.C. Alumni Association and Rock Creek Conservancy for Middle Path Day, organized in collaboration with the 10th Annual Rock Creek Extreme Cleanup. Volunteers will clean-up the lands, banks, tributaries and waters of Rock Creek. Afterwards, we hope you'll join us for a BYO picnic at our clean-up site!
Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Whitehaven Parkway section of Rock Creek Park — meet at the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway and 35th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20007.
What to Wear: Please dress appropriately for the weather. It may be chilly so dress warmly and in layers if necessary. Wear sturdy boots or sneakers, no sandals.
What to Bring: Trash bags and gloves will be provided. Feel free to bring your own tools and gloves if you have them. If you have trash grabbers or nets, please bring them. Students can earn SSL hours, but please bring needed forms. Bring water and any snacks that you may want.
Please register via the Rock Creek Conservancy's events portal as they require all participants to fill out a liability waiver.
If you have any questions, please contact Tommy Brown '13 at