The goals for this committee must be developed from whatever the reality is for future Alumni Relations with the College. Will Kenyon continue with an effort built largely on the good will of Council volunteers, Regional Association volunteers, and Class Agent volunteers, supported by the hard-working thin ranks of the OAPE? Or will there be a shift to develop a sense of valued membership among the amazing graduates of Kenyon College by supplementing resources and college-based initiatives? In short, status quo…or grow.
Communication for the Diaspora of 18,000 Kenyon Alumni will be a critical element of implementing such a plan. A successful Alumni communication effort will be openly present and relevant in the post graduate world.
The Communications Plan (Outline)
- Within the AC
- With the College
- To the Alumni
- From the Alumni
Within the AC
- Nomination and selection of nominees to the AC.
- Briefing Book for new and current members.
- Guidelines for inter AC emails.
- Guidelines for communications on collaborative projects.
- Interface with APE.
With the College
- Scheduled or regular communications and meetings.
- Guidelines for other circumstances, including informal contracts.
- Interface with other College organizations (KFEC, career office, trustees).
- Role of APE.
To the Alumni
- Regional Associations communications
- Websites, Facebook, and publications (including Switchboard).
- Guidelines and schedules for emails.
- Responsive to Portal of Communication (see following).
- Collaboration with APE.
- Coordination with College communications to Alumni.
From the Alumni
- Portal of Communication communication intake.
- Solicitation of views on important college issues.
- Guidelines for sharing with College, including APE.