Interested in using podcasts in your classes? This page can help you get started.
Greek and Latin: In addition to reading and translating Latin and Greek in this course, students at Dickinson University do an assignment comparing different published translations of a particular poem or passage, to get them focused on close reading and different styles of translation. The podcast in the course follows that as a summative “final paper” substitute. (This site also includes an example rubric the professor uses.)
Communication Studies: This assignment is taken from a course at the University of Western Australia that's meant to explore the medium of podcasting and critically engages with the idea of participatory culture in either the podcast itself or its exegesis.
Introduction to Digital Media: Students are asked to produce a short audio documentary exploring one aspect of how digital technologies or social media are affecting the lives of college students. (This site includes an in-depth PDF file about describing the assignment.)
Introduction to Biology and Introduction to Nursing: Students in "Intro to Nursing" and "Intro to Biology" at Pacific Union College must narrate podcast presentations for a grade.
Introduction to Public History: Students in an "Introduction to Public History" course at Gettysburg College completed walking tour podcasts. The goal of each group was to explore how different people can attach radically different meanings to the same historical place.
Math: Video podcasts enable students to learn mathematics from a different perspective by working with peers their own age to investigate and explain math concepts. By facilitating peer learning, the goal of these video podcasts from a course at Texas State University is to encourage students to be excited about mathematics and inspire their creativity. (This site includes example video podcasts.)
Semester in the West: Throughout the semester of travelling, students of Whitman College conducted interviews and record speakers, sounds, and ambient noises. The last two weeks of the program, back at Whitman at the Johnston Wilderness Campus, they synthesized their experiences from the semester into a final project, an NPR-style podcast.
Interviewing the Experts: Student Produced Podcast: This is a journal articles that explores podcasting. Students prepare a team-based research presentation on a topic that incorporates a student produced podcast. They produce and share a podcast in which they interview an expert or knowledgeable individual in the research topic area. By producing podcasts, students have the opportunity to research and analyze information, communicate effectively, and incorporate the opinions of experts in a cutting-edge way.