In a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox), go to Enter your Kenyon username and password in the login box on the right side of the page. This is the same username and password you use for your Kenyon email account.
If you get a login error, try logging in again to be sure you didn't make a mistake typing in your username or password.
Once you are logged in, if you are enrolled in any Moodle courses, you will see a section in the center of the page called Course overview. In this box you will find a link to each of your current, ongoing, and future courses. Note: The section will be empty if you are not enrolled in any Moodle courses.
If you should be enrolled in a Moodle course but do not see it in the list, contact the Helpline at 740-427-5700.
Your profile is your identity on Moodle. The first and last name and picture listed in your profile will identify you throughout Moodle. Other Moodle users in your courses can view your profile.
To view your profile, click on the drop-down arrow next to your picture or user icon at the top of the screen, or anywhere else that your name appears in Moodle. To edit your profile, click Profile and click the Edit profile link in the User Details block on the left side of the screen.
There are several settings that are accessible from your profile that will help make your use of Moodle more productive.
Forum auto-subscribe: If you select yes for this it will mean that when you post a message to a forum, you will be subscribed to that forum and receive email copies of all messages for that forum. Forum tracking: This is a useful option to enable. If enabled it will highlight unread forum messages so you can easily see what is new. User Picture: You can change your user icon with the “New Picture” field by browsing for a small picture.
From the course Moodle page, click on the Compose New Email link in the Quickmail block. All potential recipients will appear in a box on the right. Click on the name of a user and click the Add button to add her to the recipients list. Use the Role Filter drop-down menu in the upper right corner to select all users who have a specific role. Use the Potential Sections box to select one group at a time. (This is only relevant if you have created groups within your Moodle page.) Compose your message, add attachments if desired, and click the Send Email button.