Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by- case basis. Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, they may be eligible to receive early registration. Early registration allows a student to register for classes on the first day of their registration period each semester and is approved on a semester-by-semester basis. This provides the opportunity to arrange a course schedule (to the extent possible) that is suitable based on their disability-related needs.
Students with certain disability-related needs may qualify for early registration at Kenyon. The purpose of early registration is to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to the academic program. It is incumbent upon the student to demonstrate that they would be denied equal access to the curriculum without early registration. Early registration will be determined based on current documentation provided to SASS.
Early Registration is available to Kenyon students:
NOTE: Early registration does not override any College or departmental policies such as: the need to meet with an academic advisor, the removal of any holds (e.g., Registrar, financial), the permission of instructor requirements for specific courses. In addition, early registration does not guarantee the provision of classes at specific times.
Students who believe they are eligible based upon the above criteria should discuss their request with SASS no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start of course registration. Eligibility is based upon reliable documentation of the applicable disability from the treating health care provider and is determined on a case-by- case basis. SASS may request additional documentation from the student to support their request. Early registration can be granted on a long-or short- term basis. Students are expected to:
If the Director of SASS, in consultation with a medical professional from the Health and Counseling Center, finds that a request for early registration is not necessary and/or reasonable, the student may file a written appeal with the Dean of Students within five (5) business days of the denial. The appeal will be considered on the basis of written information and/or documentation only.
The appeal must be based upon one or more of the following criteria:
Upon receipt of the appeal, the Dean of Students will review all of the relevant information and provide a written response within five (5) business days either granting the appeal and modifying the initial decision, or denying the appeal and maintaining the initial decision. The Dean’s decision shall be final.
NOTE: Any student who believes that they may have been subjected to discrimination based on their disability should utilize the College’s Section 504 Grievance Procedures and/or to pursue a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.