Dear Students,
As you prepare to work from afar we want to let you know that Student Accessibility and Support Services is here to support you in accessing course materials and sorting out strategies for doing your work in a new environment. We understand that there are lots of moving parts to this transition so please do not hesitate to contact us at our personal emails. Please let us know what time zone you are in when you contact us.
You can also call us:
Erin: 740-427-5453
Liz: 740-427-5664
Emily: 740-427-5692
We will do our best to get back to you within 1-2 days during the week and within 2-3 days if your inquiry is received after 5 p.m. or on the weekend.
Please contact Liz Keeney,, with peer note questions.
Please contact Emily Wise,, with testing accommodation questions.
SASS is still open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. All drop-ins and student appointments will be conducted via phone or virtually until further notice. SASS will not be proctoring exams while virtual instruction is in place. Please be mindful that you will need to take the initiative to discuss testing accommodations with your instructors.
Phone appointments can be made through Accommodate by selecting "Appointment" from the menu on the left of your screen. You can also email or telephone the SASS staff.
If you are registered with SASS please set up a meeting. Phone appointments can be made through Accommodate by selecting "Appointment" from the menu on the left of your screen. You can also email or call us directly.
If you are not currently registered with SASS, please follow the steps outlined on the SASS homepage.
SASS will not be proctoring exams while the College's instruction remains online only. Please communicate with your instructors to discuss exam accommodations for your courses.
Some instructors may opt for alternative assessments (e.g. essays, untimed exams), which would not require exam accommodations.
If your instructor is creating online timed exams, please notify your instructor if you will need extended time. Academic departments are responsible for setting up extended testing time in Moodle.
SASS is available to instructors and students to consult about unique circumstances.
Once you have learned from your instructor on how they will adapt the course for virtual instruction, please let SASS know if you would like to continue receiving notes. You can email us at regarding peer notes.
You may find that you no longer need a note-taker due to the course design changes. For example, lectures that are prerecorded videos can be watched at your own pace. On the other hand, some instructors may still opt for scheduled class meetings with real-time communication using Zoom or Google Hangouts.
Regardless of your decision to continue receiving notes, all established note-takers will receive compensation for their notes.