Web Registration Override Form (only for PI courses)
Use this form to request overrides be added for students for permission of instructor courses. If the request is not for a course PI, we will not enter the overrides.
Please sign into Personal Access Pages to enter overrides for students.
1. Choose the Faculty and Advisor Menu
2. Choose Registration Overrides:
3. Click submit.
4. The Registration Override screen lists the student’s name at the top and three rows for overrides. Select an override from the list:
ALL – All but time conflict
CAP- Capacity only
CLS- Class Restriction
CORQ- Co-requisite only
PERM- Permission of the Instructor courses
PRQ- Pre-requisite only
5. The second column will list the courses for which you are the PRIMARY instructor. Select the appropriate course.
6. Submit.
Below the override entry section, you will see listed any other overrides the student has been granted. If registration has already occurred, you will see the total credit and the specific courses for which the student is registered.
To enter overrides for another student from this screen, scroll to the bottom of the screen, click on ID Selection. You will search for another student. Once you have the correct student, click submit. This should return you to the Faculty Services tab. Choose term selection, choose the term and submit. Choose Registration overrides and repeat as listed above.