* = required field This proposal requires a project narrative and a project budget. Name: * First Last Email: * Project Narrative The project narrative should be no longer than two pages and should describe: (1) the institutions and disciplines involved; (2) the courses that will be taught (and when); (3) the theme around which the courses will be developed; this also should make clear the global dimension(s) that will be included in the courses; (2) projected student learning outcomes and learning goals; (3) a preliminary description of the collaboration to be pursued: the materials that will be collaboratively developed and the nature of the collaboration that will occur during the course. Project Narrative: * Project Budget Please describe your project budget with justification that represents a responsible estimate of costs, including the cost of course materials and stipends ($600/week for a maximum of three weeks) for participants contributing to the design and execution of the Themed Courses. Instructors for domestic courses may also request travel funds so that the course partners may meet for course planning. Instructors involved in an international course will be invited to a course planning workshop. GLCA will cover the costs for this workshop, so it should not be included in the budget. Project Budget: * Spam Prevention * Please help us prevent spam by using the reCAPTCHA below.