Applicants to the Kenyon College IRB must be investigators with faculty appointments, currently enrolled students, or currently employed staff or administrators who plan on conducting human subjects research under the auspices of an academic department or program or administrative division.
Tenured, tenure-track and salaried faculty with letters of academic title and academic division heads may sponsor other investigators and serve as the responsible advisor such as in the case of student research or staff research or research conducted by part-time faculty, or visiting scholars from other institutions. All outside investigators must have an eligible Kenyon sponsor. In all cases, the responsible faculty member or the division head must assure compliance with human subjects research protections and IRB requirements.
Applications submitted to the Kenyon College IRB must adhere to the provisions of 45 CFR 46 and the Kenyon College IRB Policies & Procedures Manual . Application materials and instructions may be downloaded from the Kenyon College IRB website "Forms" page.
Submission of incomplete or unsigned applications will result in the delay of the review and approval process. Attachments to the protocol application may include, as applicable: flyers, posters, advertisements, internet postings or other materials utilized to recruit human subjects, as well as any research instruments involved in the study, such as interview guides, surveys and questionnaires.
When completed, the IRB forms and all attachments should be forwarded as email attachments to: The IRB Administrator
The original, signed paper copy of the "Assurance (signature) Sheet" should be sent in campus or U.S mail or delivered to :
The Kenyon College IRB Administrator
Bailey House
College Drive
Gambier, OH 43022