All materials aimed at recruiting participants into a research study (including the final copy of printed advertisements, scripts, audio or video tapes, or web sites) must be reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to use.
Required Elements
- Study title and IRB study number.
- The word "research." Make it clear that this is a research study.
- "Kenyon College"
- The PI's name.
- A contact name with either a phone number or email address.
- Eligibility criteria, if applicable, should be noted briefly. Especially if payment depends on meeting these criteria. For example, "English speaking only," "Women only," etc.
- State whether participants will be paid for their time and effort.
- Acceptable:
- "You will be compensated for your participation."
- "You will receive a gift card to X for [amt.] for your participation."
- "Participants will be compensated." The amount of payment may be included but should not be the most prominent element on the page. Compensation should not be excessive considering the nature of the project. Payment should be stated as a range of amounts or stated as "at least" or "up to" for payments dependent on the amount of participation.
- NOT Acceptable:
- never claim payment as a benefit.
- Use of bold or enlarged print or other means to emphasize payment or the amount to be paid.
Recommended Elements
- Purpose of the study.
- What is expected of the participant.
- The time commitment.
- The location where the research will take place.
- Contact information to call to sign up or link to study web site or survey.
- Avoid phrases such as “help needed” or "subjects wanted."
- The recommended wording is "You are invited" or "Participants invited."
What a Subject Should Consider when Considering being in a study:
Are You Thinking About Being in a Research Study? Everything you should know before becoming a research subject. CITI Program,, ©2017 Biomedical Research Alliance of New York LLC. CITI Program is a division of BRANY