The IRB committee consists of the Associate Provost, who chairs the committee, and as required by law, at least five *members with varying backgrounds including a Kenyon College administrator, at least one member of the community unaffiliated with the College, faculty members representing academic divisions/programs. No two faculty members may be from the same department and the IRB must include at least one member of each sex, whenever the composition of the faculty makes it possible
Members of the IRB are appointed by the Provost with input from the Associate Provost and the chairs of departments and programs. The community member is appointed by the President. To assure an element of continuity in the work of the IRB, faculty members will normally serve a three year term.
Composition of the Kenyon College IRB
Chair, Associate Provost
One member from the community (Appointed by the President)
One member from the Psychology Department
One member from the other Natural Science Departments
One member from the Social Sciences Division
One member representing the Fine Arts, Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies
One Appointed Administrator to oversee the work of the committee (non-voting)
* Fed Reg. Title 45§46.107 specifies at least five members including: 1) a member from the community, 2) a non-scientist, 3) members qualified to discuss the research under consideration.