A media gallery is a useful content block to showcase photos - of a recent event, trip or student exhibition, for example. Like other content blocks, a media gallery will appear below your main page content.
Step 1. Login to BigTree, find your page and click "Edit in BigTree."
Step 2. Scroll down and click "Add Content Block."
Step 3. Under "Callout Type," choose "Media Gallery."
Step 4. Add a title for your gallery.
Step 5. Upload photos. You will have an option to give each photo a (very short) caption. Before you click "Save" your photos will show as "Awaiting Uploading." When you click "Save" and then "Save & Preview" or "Save & Publish" on your page, you will have the opportunity to change the default crop of your photos.
Please get in touch with Emily Lindo or Patty Burns if you have any concerns about an image - whether it is high enough quality or ensuring that you're allowed to use it, for example.
Step 6. Click "Save" and then "Save & Preview" or "Save & Publish" (depending on your editing access).
Videos: You can add a video to your media gallery by entering a YouTube Video ID (the highlighted part of the video's url - see below) and clicking "Add Video."
If you have a single video to showcase, you can also use a featured video content block.