The HHMI Faculty Incentive Program (FIP) supports faculty engaged in stipend-bearing inclusion activities in the sciences by providing a 50 percent match to a faculty development account (FIP account) that functions in tandem with our existing Individual Faculty Development Accounts (IFDAs).
Faculty time is a finite resource and engagement with inclusion activities represents a trade-off with regard to how to spend time that is not devoted directly to teaching. Engagement with inclusion activities often compromises time that could otherwise be spent on scholarly work in one's field. The FIP was conceived with the goal of reflecting the value the College places in both scholarship and inclusion activities. Consistent with this aim, the resources in an individual’s FIP account are intended to contribute to the professional development or the scholarly work of the faculty member.
Use of FIP accounts will follow the same guidelines as those that govern the IFDAs with one notable exception. Like IFDAs, the FIP accounts can be used for professional development activities and scholarly work as seen fit by the faculty member. Funding for travel to professional meetings; research materials, supplies or equipment; research students; the costs associated with publishing; and memberships in professional societies represent common uses for IFDA and FIP accounts. In contrast to the IFDA accounts which have a carryover cap of $6750 each year, the FIP account will not be subject to a carry over cap. This policy difference is in place to allow faculty to engage extensively in inclusion efforts for a year or two in order to fund a larger scholarly endeavor in subsequent years. Faculty will be able to monitor the balance of both their IFDA account and their FIP account using Banner. Contact Bonnie Yarman for Banner training. Other questions can be directed to the accounting office.
Should computers (beyond what is already provided by the college for faculty member use) be purchased with IFDA or FIP accounts there are a few special considerations. Computers used exclusively for research purposes will be under the control of the faculty member in that they will be responsible for the setting up the machine, purchasing/loading research software, and repairing (hardware/software) the computer should it be needed. LBIS stands ready to offer technical advice, aid in purchasing the computer, support the initial setup, implement security measures, and provide software for which Kenyon has an institutional license. Computers purchased in this way will not be included in the automatic replacement program unless a case is made that the computer enhances the teaching mission of the department. Computers used by students in courses may be converted to a status that includes institutional replacement if the faculty member and department make a compelling case to the administration (VP of LBIS and the Provost) that they serve the teaching mission of the department. In the event that the teaching utility of the computer is not clear, an ad hoc panel typically made up of science division chairs or a representative group of faculty from the division will be consulted to advise the administration and inform the final decision whether or not the computer should be added to the automatic replacement program of the College.
Science inclusion programs included in the HHMI Faculty Incentive Program: