In Attendance: Leslie Harding, Kim Totman, Robyn Bowers, Ashleigh Zarley, Robin Ball, Annie Ellsworth, Jared Hoffman, Pam Sheasby, Beth Pae, Lorie Shults, Shanna Hart, Jackie Teeter, Steve Martin, Barbara Kakiris, Ellen Harbourt, Susan Morse
In attendance: Shana Hart, Lorie Shults, Leslie Harding, Beth Pae, Kim Totman, Pam Sheasby, Jared Hoffman, Steve Martin, Ashleigh Zarley, Robin Ball, Jackie Teeter, Annie Ellsworth, Ellen Harbourt, Barbara Kakiris
1) Welcome Robyn Bowers
2) New initiative for faculty/staff giving through the Development Office
3) Subcommittee Updates
4) Main Discussion Topics
5) Other Topics/Updates
In attendance: Leslie Harding, Robin Ball, Ashleigh Zarley, Shanna Hart, Beth Pae, Steve Martin, Ellen Harbourt, Pam Sheasby, Lorie Shults, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Jackie Teeter
Changes highlighted on above attachment. These changes provide a better representation of employee population. (i.e. union members now have the option to serve on KSC)
The purpose of the forum was to update staff and faculty on the discussions at the February Board of Trustees meeting (BOT).
The BOT approved the budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year. This included a 2% raise for faculty and staff and another 0.5% for adjustments and the faculty merit pool.
A feasibility study will guide decisions about the potential capacity for the campaign and the priorities of the campaign.
Prospective donors have expressed strong interest in the priorities, and the timing of the campaign appears to be good. Support for the endowment and financial aid stand out as priorities. The campaign will run for the next five and a half years.
There are two primary areas of focus—Housing and the village revitalization and the library. The revitalization of the village is in the early design phase. There will be many conversations as the process goes along.
The BOT approved the continued planning for the new library building. There will be opportunities throughout this semester and for the next 12- 18 months to discuss the used of the library and possible impact. Discussions will include ways to bring together academic resources under one roof and the potential applications of technology to supplement the classroom experiences.
Looking ahead to the April BOT meeting, there will be more discussions about planning and more work on the campaign.
There will be more discussions with groups of students in the aftermath of the date change for Summer Sendoff. Students concern over the announced changes have prompted conversations about how the administration gathers input from students when making decisions. One outcome is to take a close look at student government including Student Senate to determine what input each body should have in decision making and the purpose of the groups. Another conversation has been about student rights and responsibilities. Outlined in the Student Handbook,, the statement of student rights and responsibilities has not been updated since 1972. Conversations with students will be about what makes sense for the College now and to update the statement to reflect the values we hold now.
Q: Could you talk about the meetings with students on Sunday and where things landed?
A: Students got to express their concerns, though many of these were about the college creating a situation that would tempt students to pre-load before going to Summer Sendoff and would drive underage drinking underground. The reality is that the college is required to uphold the state and federal laws. The college does need to address the drinking culture on campus.
There is a working group looking at the date including Student Council, Maintenance, and Dean Toutain. They are wrestling with issues like rain site availability, and whether Friday or Saturday is a better day of the weekend for the event.
Q: It seems that the announcement of the change to the date of Summer Sendoff was unfortunate on the heels of the announcement of the closing of the Gambier Grill at the end of the fiscal year. Is there talk of getting students on board sooner and increasing the communication of information earlier in the process?
A: Students feel that they are not being trusted to be involved in the conversations up front. We are acknowledging that we need to do better, and we will do better.
Q: Has there been concern voiced by Village Council about the plans to revitalize the downtown?
A: There have been some concerns voiced to the Board that the downtown not end up looking like a strip mall. When Farr Hall was built, it was a dramatic change to previously existing skyline. We need to be careful to not replace an “institutional” looking building with a different version. The design details will be very important.
Another concern has been about availability of parking and deliveries. The planning process must be mindful of these issues. A third concern is about the preserving the historic feel of the existing buildings. There will be three representatives from the village governance on the committee—the mayor, someone from village council and someone from the planning and zoning board.
Q: Will the renovation of Middle Path move forward in light issues experienced in the last couple of weeks?
A: The contractor, landscape architect and manufacturer participated in a conference call and will be visiting this week. The problem, is believed to be due to the freeze/thaw cycle and the rain. The north end of the path has fared better. The goal is to fix the problem and make sure that the problem is not duplicated in the new section.
Q: Kenyon campaigns have historically started with the goal of increasing the endowment, but that has frequently been diverted. With the plans for the library and the village, will this happen again?
A: We expect this campaign to be different because we have two projects that are estimated to cost $100,000,000 which would be a 2 to 1 ration of capital projects to endowment. President Decatur said this is probably where we should be. The first gifts pledged have been for the endowment. Our biggest weakness compared to our peer institutions is our endowment. There is a greater understanding that if the College wants to move forward we have to focus on the endowment.
Q: Are these the two projects most needed by the college right now?
A: The village project will increase the housing capacity allowing us to tear down the New Apartments. We need to take a 10-15 year view of housing; this is the first piece. The library project allows us to consider things like whether we have the right sized classrooms and the right technology. It will allow us to put the Career Development Office in a central location and to provide study spaces that meet the needs and styles of students which are more collaborative than in the past.
Q: By building more apartments, will this move the college toward equity?
A: The financial aid money can be applied toward apartments for seniors. The goal is not to increase the number of apartments but to allow us to take down a block of the New Apartments and keep a steady state. There is a potential project for down the road to build one traditional 120 bed residence hall to make it possible to take an existing residence hall off line for renovations. This project is not on the campaign list, but a high priority.
Q: Is there a firm cap on the enrollment of Kenyon College?
A: There is no interest in growing. The student count for fall semester was 1698 and is 1640 for the spring. The intention is to stay in this range of 1660 +/- 30 students. The Master Plan shows many possible locations for building student residences but does not express a plan to build them.
From a market perspective, the number of 18 year olds is declining and will continue to do so for a time. These students are also coming from the west and southwest, areas where students have never heard of us. It would be a foolish time to grow as a college. We have limited resources to build and to grow we would have to add faculty and housing.
Q: What does the class of 2020 look like?
A: After early decisions round 1 and round 2, about half of the class has been admitted. The profile of the class so far is comparable to previous classes.
Other things to update the campus:
There is a group on campus talking broadly about staff evaluation and development. The Employee Satisfaction Survey from the fall has been analyzed and there will be a presentation of the results on March 17 at Common Hour. One of the issues that needs to be decided is in regard to merit pay for staff. The group will be getting more input.
The college has a plan in place, but a group of folks from maintenance, Campus Safety, Residential Life is working on updating the plan to consider various types of emergencies. In the aftermath of incidents at the College of Wooster and Denison we have become aware that although a plan may be in place, no one really knows what the plan means in action. We want to consider the training and educating necessary. There will be more information about this later this semester and into next year.
In Attendance: Steve Martin, Jared Hoffman, Lorie Shults, Barbara Kakiris, Annie Ellsworth, Shana Hart, Jackie Teeter, Beth Pae, Robin Ball, Ashleigh Zarley, Leslie Harding, Ellen Harbourt, Pam Sheasby, Susan Morse, Sean Decatur
When reading the following synopsis of the presentation, it is important to remember that the Master Plan is not a prescription for what will be done in the future but rather a conceptual plan, as envisioned at a point in time. There are many factors that influence what projects are completed, when they will be completed and the scope of the projects. That is to say that one should expect ideas to shift and change as the planning process moves forward. We might build some projects in the plan and others there were not even envisioned in the plan. It may take 1-2 years to start or 20 years to work through potential projects.
A committee broadly composed of members of senior staff, department directors, students, Village of Gambier administration and a faculty member worked to update the college’s Master Plan (MP) through the 2015 academic year at the request of the Board of Trustees. The updated MP was presented to the Board of Trustees (BOT) at the October 2015 meeting. Once the MP was approved by the BOT, two of the board’s committees started to look at priorities and how these mesh with the Kenyon 2020 strategic plan. Core projects were identified and discussions of financing have begun.
The final document is organized in four parts: strengthening the academic core, building campus community, revitalizing the village, and continued stewardship.
The MP includes a west quad project to potentially include a new library to replace Olin and Chalmers, an underground parking garage, a new academic building, a new administrative building, moving of Sunset Cottage and the building of another cottage for the English department near Lentz House.
The new library, to be located on the current site of Olin and Chalmers, will shift the building front away from Middle Path more in line with the Gund Gallery and Rosse Auditorium. Upon completion, the 290 space, three level parking garage will have designated areas for employees and visitors. The hope is to reduce the surface parking spaces available on campus—potentially including those from in front of Peirce.
The plans include loading dock accesses to the Gund Gallery and the library. Delivery to Rosse/Storer are still being sorted in the plans. Pedestrians will exit the garage structure into the library, the academic building and the administrative building from the garage are included in the plan.
Sunset Cottage will need to be moved/replaced before excavation for construction of the parking garage can begin. The academic building and the administrative buildings are at this point only at the concept drawing phase. The administrative building could be used for various things including College Relations, admissions, and the President’s Office.
The MP envisions the main business area of Gambier based on images from 1964 with smaller scale buildings than Farr Hall.
The plan imagines the left two thirds of Farr Hall will be demolished leaving a newly faced bookstore. Three free-standing buildings will allow for commercial space on the first floor and student residences on the second floor. The house recently vacated by Student Activities was taken down during winter break; the MP imagines Gambier Grill building removed and three student residences like the North Campus Apartments built on that plot.
The Old Bank/Black Box Theater will be demolished and replaced by a new building for a market−also with student residences on the second floor before the Farr Hall demolition would take place.
For a number of years, the first-year quad has not housed all the members of the first-year class; about half of the first-year class lives across SR 308 and Gaskin Avenue in Mather and McBride. The MP includes up to three new residence halls to be built in the first-year quad as well as third floors being added to Norton, Lewis and Gund residence halls. Planning for these has been put on hold while the First Year Experience committee completes their work this academic year.
Adding new spaces in the first year quad will create swing space to allow for the updating of other residence halls and the eventual demolition of the New Apartments and refurbishment of Mather, McBride and Caples as well as focusing on building community within each first-year cohort of students.
The College has made two space utilization studies of historic Bexley Hall. The first study evaluated the space for the office of the College Relations division and determined that the space would not accommodate everyone. The second study reviewed the possibility using the space for student housing and deemed this usage more feasible. Any renovation/repurposing of Bexley Hall will be expensive.
The first two phases are complete. Work will begin on the third and final phase after Reunion Weekend. The section around the gates will correct drainage issues as well as to shift the crosswalk further east on Wiggin Street which will narrow the road, shorten the crosswalk and make pedestrians more visible to drivers coming up the 308 hill. This change includes shifting of the eastern fork east and the moving of the stone fence posts.
The renovated center section of Middle Path between Wiggin Street and Brooklyn Ave will consist of three components. On the north end there will be seating nooks with paired benches facing each other; the middle section will be a terrace, the south end will have spaces for vendors (food trucks, the Amish, etc…) to set up. Landscaping changes include spreading the flower gardens along the whole length of this section, spacing of trees creating open areas between them, and significantly increasing the number of accessible points to the path. Free standing light posts will be placed along this section eliminating the need for the twinkle lights on the trees.
The results of two, week-long traffic studies prompted the decision to remove the Scott Lane cut-through—one of traffic on Wiggin Street and 308 and one on the cut through. The cut-through was used on average by 75 cars a day whereas an average of 3700 vehicles drive on 308 (70%) and Gaskin Avenue (30%). During this investigation the College learned that the cut-through was never legally designated as a roadway.
Q: When will the fire marshal get involved in the planning of the last phase of Middle Path?
A: The fire marshal has already been involved and they have determined the need to move one fire hydrant.
Q: Are the drawings of the Village Revitalization to scale? How can all three apartment buildings fit?
A: The area has been surveyed and they do fit. Keep in mind that this area includes the parking lot of the Gambier Grill.
Q: What is the timing and sequence for the new library project?
A: The new English buildings would be built first. The overall new library project is expected to take two years. No plan for financing of the project has been approved by the BOT and the zoning needs to be worked out with the Village of Gambier.
Q: Where will the library (books and people) be housed after the demolition of the two buildings?
A: Temporary locations on campus will be arranged—mobile units may be used. There will still be library services, but how they will function has yet to be determined.
Q: Will the library project and the first-year quad be concurrent?
A: All of these projects are contingent on funding. Donor interest will dictate the project sequence.
Q: Is the work on the athletic fields and the house behind the Kenyon Athletic Center to be included in the Master Plan?
A: There have been two reports delivered to senior staff and the BOT on the outdoor athletic facilities. The first from the external review that was conducted in the 2014-15 academic year, the second this past fall as a follow up. Consultants have been hired. The zoning of the land behind the KAC is residential. The College has asked the Village to change that; the request was denied. One last house remains. Once the Buckeye Candy building renovation has been completed, that house will be torn down and the land will remain a green space for the time being.
Staff Council members in attendance: Shanna Hart, Maurice Hill, Annie Ellsworth, Robin Ball, Pam Sheasby, Beth Pae, Ashleigh Zarley, Ellen Harbourt, Leslie Harding, Jackie Teater
Guest: Ron Griggs
In attendance: Jared, Pam, Shanna, Maurice, Steve, Beth, Annie, Jackie, Robin, Leslie, Lorie, Ellen, Ashleigh
Benefits: (Ashleigh, Steve, Lorie, Beth) Currently trying to schedule a committee meeting to review all employee benefits
Communications: (Jared, Annie, Ellen) Need bios to send to on Staff Council members-”getting to know you”, send to respective divisions to know you’re a contact, notes have been put on website for all to review
Events: (Leslie, Robin, Kim, Pam) Next Staff Council lunch December 19th
Outreach: (Barbara, Jackie, Shanna, Maurice) Received several requests for care baskets
Todd Burson update on Employee Performance Committee
-Employee Performance Committee is looking at the performance evaluation process
-President Decatur talked with a lot of staff groups on campus over his first two years: Common themes: low morale, no formalized review program, no room for professional growth
-many of the evaluations that were submitted to HR consisted of the same rating for employees, and there were no consequences for departments that did not submit evaluations to the HR department so the HR department stopped devoting resources trying to collect the evaluations every year
The current committee has been charged with re-designing the employee review process. They are gathering information from peer institutions. No institution seems to have a good model. Researching an informal evaluation system that is ongoing, goal-oriented and encourages regular check-in. This could be tied to pay-for-performance; nothing is off the table regarding the best evaluation process for Kenyon. Hopefully there will be recommendations by next summer to take effect 2017.
Staff Council Discussion re: Employee Performance updates.
-Clear communication needs to be circulated across divisions regarding this initiative
-Encourage the committee to think about what resources are needed to make this successful (i.e.- Professional Development, additional HR staff, etc)
Staff Satisfaction Survey
-Response rates are still currently unknown. Steve will follow up on the results and how that’s being shared with each division.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 13 at 10 a.m. in Eaton Center Conference Room.
Notes taken by Ashleigh, Leslie was out
Attendance: Steve, Lorie, Ashleigh, Beth, Annie, Ellen, Robin, Kim, Pam, Barbara, Jackie, Shanna
Benefits (Ashleigh, Steve, Lorie, Beth)
Attended an advisory committee meeting last week 10/29
Committee Members: Todd Burson, Jennifer Cabral, Drew Kerkhoff, Joe Klesner, Mark Kohlman, Steve Martin, Susan Morse, Beth Pae, Lorie Shults, Carol Schumacher, Jon Tazewell, Ashleigh Zarley
Decided that the co-chairs of the Committee will be Lorie and Drew
One of their major responsibilities will be reporting back to KSC and the FAC
The groups specific focus is on Kenyon’s Health Insurance and other benefits and how it may be affected by the Affordable Care Act
The recommendation is targeted to be made in time for the 17-18 budget year and thus made next spring.
Some action items for KSC would include
Possible surveys to the campus
Possible hosting open forums to the campus to discuss potential changes
Communications (Jared, Annie, Ellen)
Group has met a few times
Made updates to ‘Ask Kenyon Staff Council’ page
Currently working on a list of helpful example questions to encourage staff to ask KSC questions
Group has posted the minutes from the last meeting and sent out a campus email
Made sure to change the email address
There were a few suggestions from the suggestion box placed at the Halloween luncheon
Group sent out the emails to KSC asking for Bios
Specifically Bios for Robin, Jackie, Steve, Leslie and Jared
Question - How would we like to get notes out to the campus from events like the open forum for the President or the Maintenance campus meeting
Option - Post link on the KSC website
Update - The Maintenance presentation was sent out to the campus by Steve Arnett
Events (Leslie, Robin, Kim, Pam)
Halloween Luncheon Update
Lots of good and positive feedback
Lots of people dressed up
People liked that it wasn’t held in two different places, they could eat and watch the competition
Change for next year - Will do individual costume contest all together so people do not have to walk by themselves across the stage
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Will send an email out soon - Held in Peirce Thursday November 19th
Christmas Luncheon
We would like United Way basket for the food drive for can drop off
We would like to add a collection area for Toys for Tots
Note that Pamela Burson is the current drop off for Toys for Tots,
Location - Peirce Wednesday December 16th
Outreach (Barbara, Jackie, Shanna, Maurice)
We have sent out quite a few gift baskets
Each have been well received
Request for KSC - we would like to be notified when they are sent
Group will share the document all of KSC
Group is working with Communications to send out an email to the campus encouraging them to share both bad and good things that happen
Staff Satisfaction Survey
Waiting for IRB approval
Please remember to encourage people to take this, especially if you are hourly
Supervisors should stress how important this is
Supervisors should give all employees time to take the survey during their normal business hours
Presidential Forum
Ellen took good notes, should these be made available to the campus? See above under the Communications subcommittee update
The President talked about the Trustees meeting
He mentioned that no big decisions were made
Attendance looked to be around 65-70 people
Lots of people asked questions
Location feedback - Pub was a little too spread out
Maybe move to Brandi instead
The next time this message goes out, supervisors should be sure give the OK to employees so that they feel available to go
Upcoming plan is to hold another forum in February after the next Board of Trustees meeting
Staff Bazaar
Still Exploring Details
NOTE: Next meeting will be located in College Relations new conference room. Be sure to go in one of the side doors.
The main goal of the presentation was to update the community on the discussions that took place at the October Trustees meeting and to answer any questions.
There were not big decisions made at the meeting. Most of the time was spent talking about future capital projects, the 20/20 plan and the updated Master Plan in the context of planning the campaign.
Topics specifically discussed:
This is the library and the space behind the current library location (parking lot). The discussion has centered around what is possible to be created for academics and administrative uses in reimagining the library as a center for research and academic engagement as well as a “crossroads”. This ties into the 20/20 plan in a number of ways.
The Olin and Chalmers libraries have limitations for re-purposing (especially in regard to technology), so discussion of a new library in the same location-- perhaps with a smaller footprint.
Additionally, an underground parking garage would replace the current parking lot and possibly a new academic building that would create swing space making the renovation of Ascension possible-- since that building houses five academic departments and eleven classrooms and is not accessible.
Discussion about the small house that housed Student Activities until this semester (though I heard that building will be torn down over break and replaced with green space).
There was discussion about what to do with the Old Bank building since it does not make a very good black box theater.
Retail space-There was a discussion about Farr Hall and the residential and retail space contained in it--neither type of space is well suited to their purposes.
Middle Path in the center of the village is the last segment to be completed. This will begin right after alumni reunion in May 2016 with the expected completion before classes begin in August. There is study being done to determine whether or not the Scott Lane cut-through should be retained. The perennials and bulbs will be dug up and kept for re-planting upon completion of the project. Many of the trees in that section are diseased and will need to be removed. The newer, healthy trees will be dug up, planted temporarily elsewhere then put back. There is a committee with members of Village Council and Kenyon representatives meeting to determine the final decision. There will be more presentations later as final decisions are made.
Joe Nelson moved to part-time in June 2015 after almost forty years of managing Kenyon’s investments. The Board needed to decide how to move forward once he retires in June 2016.
Decided hire an investing group called Cornerstone to do Kenyon’s investing. They have a small portfolio of clients that include non-profit organizations and colleges (Nature Conservancy). This decision made sense because having one person do it all in this complex investing and regulatory environment does not make sense.
Q: Was there discussion about the first-year quad during this Board meeting?
The Board walked through the residence halls not long ago, but there was no specific discussion of these during the October Board meeting.
Q: Was there discussion about paying attention to the greenness of architecture for the next round of buildings or the refurbishment of existing buildings rather than replacement?
The college is considering both. There is a group of students who would like the college to sign the College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. President Decatur asked the students to identify ways that the college can address issues identified in the commitment on campus as well as whether, for example, pursuing LEED standards is the best stop to take for carbon neutrality.
Q: Was there any discussion of the renovation of Higley Hall?
There was no discussion at this meeting, however the Trustees toured the building last spring and it remains on their minds.
Q: Was there discussion about the state of the athletic fields?
The Student Affairs Committee focused on athletics and had a chance to look at the outside fields. There has been an overview of the state of the outside athletic facilities being put together by the Athletics department at the recommendation of the external review that took place in April of this year. The goal is to use the document to set priorities for action including potential items for the campaign.
Q: How does the College balance financial need of students, increasing diversity and capital projects?
Improving the endowment for financial aid is the top need to reduce our dependency on tuition. President Decatur has been traveling around the country meeting with alumni and parents. Some people he has spoken to have been really excited about this, other ask him what the College plans to build. We will have to continue to make these choices because we will always have limitations.
Q: Was there a discussion about the size of the College - the student body and staffing?
Generally, 1660 plus or minus 30 students is about right. We have spaces for about 1700 students to live and current faculty staffing is sufficient. Getting any larger (adding 100 or 200) students would require investment in residential spaces, classrooms and faculty positions. Considering the current demographics (shrinking number of students in high school), growing like that does not seem to be doable.
Q: How understaffed is AVI?
Mark Kohlman said they are currently trying to fill five positions that are spread out over all shifts. When others call off, there can be short staffing for a shift. They have looked at whether the perception of long lines is real. Mark timed the time in the servery of students and found that the average time of students was 8 minutes from entry to leaving with their food. When asked how long their time was, students said 20 minutes.
He also said that the Collegian said that the AVI employees were being forced to cover shifts. He clarified that this is a term used in the union contract that the employees all signed. That employees are not being threatened if they do not work.
In case you missed the presentation, Steve Arnett has supplied the Power Point Presentation.
In attendance: Robin Ball, Lorie Schultz, Jackie Teeter, Barb Kakiris, Beth Pae, Pam Sheasby, Kim Totman, Ashleigh, Zarley, Annie Ellsworth, Shanna Hart, Ellen Harbourt, Leslie Harding, Steve Martin, Jared Hoffman
Outreach (Barbara, Jackie, Maurice)
Provide gift baskets to Kenyon Community members in times of hardship and during exciting life events. This is kept track on a google document. Please send all requests to a member of Outreach committee (Barb, Jackie, Shanna, Maurice).
Benefits (Ash, Lorie, Beth, Steve)
Benefits advisory committee has been recently formed, members include faculty and staff. Will advise senior staff on directions for benefit changes. Could include surveys and a kickoff meeting will be end of October. Health plan changes will be primary focus due to Affordable Care Act.
Events (Leslie, Robin, Kim, Pam)
Next lunch October 30th in Gund Ballroom, costume contest
Possibility of craft fair in November-Pam is going to look into this.
Communications (Annie, Ellen, Jared)
Updated email account password
Staff Satisfaction Survey
Could be tied to establishing pay for performance
How to incentivize people to take the survey?
Staff Council should play a part in promoting this survey
An open text box should be included for participants to give qualitative feedback.
Staff Council Representative on survey committee
What is the communication plan to campus? What’s the point of this survey?
Staff/Administrator Label-can we do away with this label? Yes. Labels should be straightforward-exempt/non-exempt
Annie mentioned Switchboard.
Title IX Climate survey will be sent out to all employees in the spring.
Presidential Open Forum in November. Possibly during staff lunch?
Emergency notification system change of vendors-employees should be sure their information is up-to-date.
Training is happening for Kenyon Reservations for staff.
New system for buying office supplies-trainings will be happening soon.
Next meeting locations
Four different small groups will be meeting across campus this year to focus on First Year Experience, Kenyon Compass, Risk Management, Employee Development .
The President’s Office plans on involving Kenyon Staff Council for help this year in the areas of performance evaluations and development
▪ Many ideas already on table
▪ Supervisory training
▪ Some form of regular feedback (inconsistent across campus)
▪ Standard evaluation/feedback while recognizing departmental crunch times (not rigid)
Discussion on KSC Subcommittees and their role in 2015/16 …
-Does the 2020 plan work with the KSC subcommittees?
-May need flexibility to do this-rethink work of subcommittees
-Don’t lose sight of the existing work subcommittees have done in the past and do very well.
Discussion of using the breakdown of staff/admin as a part of the employee development?
- This was not used during the opening ceremony …
- Faculty has a “crisp” definition but Staff/Administrator is not clear.
Discussion on Open Forums with the President … are these valuable? Are there better times during the years? Morning/lunch
-common hour before the lunch
. Most well attended sessions in past have been in the morning and not right before end of work day.
Concern regarding new language in the sick/personal time policy.
-Diff – now you need reasons to ask for personal days?
-Policy needs clarification and supervisors notified of the change
Events Committee
-Space for Halloween Lunch? – current conflict in Peirce
-Gund Ballroom
KSC meeting locations will intentionally change to provide variety and introduce different meeting spaces on campus.