Attendance: Anne Ellsworth, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Pamela Sheasby, Jackie Teater
Michelle Foster, Assistant Director of HR for Benefits, attended Staff our monthly meeting to share material on education and training opportunities for employees. She was inquiring about the general response many would have about how useful to Kenyon. For example, Star 12 offers professional webinars in a variety of areas.
Jared Hoffman is coordinating the Staff Council election process. Ballots will be released to the campus later this month. Nominations nearly complete.
Luncheon with Sean Decatur set for June 11 at Cromwell Cottage.
Annual reports should be submitted to co-chairs by the end of the June.
The events committee has a snack break scheduled on Thursday, May 7 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Staff Council voted to accept the drafted Title IX policy. Susan Morse was available to answer any questions or concerns still remaining after everyone reviewed it.
The annual summer Senior Staff retreat with a day including the Faculty Executive Committee and Staff Council will take place on August 11. Location still to be determined.
Special Topic: Kenyon 2020 with President Decatur
Centered on 3 emerging themes:
1. Student Experience
2. Finance
3. Building and Sustaining Community
Board of trustees vetted the different themes in February’s meeting. In April, the trustees will find approval for the 5-year plan. In August’s retreat with Senior Staff, Staff Council will participate in talking about implementation and planning what to do next.
Other topics discussed were evaluation, development, and compensation of staff. This topic will continue to be explored into the coming future. Improving event management on campus and the current state of how we are tackling that at the moment. Also, how can we better connect the new event management system with people’s calendars.
Lastly, the importance of the upcoming campaign and what things we can be doing now to help out. Are there any low hanging fruit opportunities to take advantage of related to the campaign.
Current Topics
Impact of Sweet Briar College closing and how their situation wasn't signally the typical financial exigency flags.
Luncheon set for March 26th
Carrie Knell came to speak at our monthly meeting to discuss her role at the college and ways we can extend our relationship together. She spoke on workplace issues, conflicts, and answered any questions we had. She is an independent resource that many employees on campus are unaware of or unclear of her actual duties. Her office is in Allen House but is available to meet off-campus or any public setting. Carrie does not keep records to identify folks which was a reassuring note to many who have asked questions about what happens when she leaves or changes offices.
Subcommittee Reports
Benefits - an inquiry was brought to Staff Council regarding options available to employees looking for assistance to infertility issues. The Benefits committee will investigate how insurance treats these cases and work with HR to learn more.
Outreach - the cheer baskets continue to be requested and are well received from all accounts we are hearing.
Events - luncheon scheduled for 2/19 in the Peirce Pub with pasta bar theme.
Attendance: Anne Ellsworth, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Pamela Sheasby, Jackie Teater
Communications: Steve Martin and Chris Ellsworth attended the Title IX workshop in December hosted by national expert and Kenyon parent Gina Smith. More training opportunities and awareness are coming soon campus-wide. KSC will continue to be included in the events upcoming related to Title IX.
United Way Challenge - KSC partnered with Lisa Schott to help increase participation in the Kenyon community for this program. Lisa was happy to announce that this year's challenge was a large success. The amount of donors in 2014 raised from 2013 as well as the dollar figure. Thank you to all who participated in this event and were part of the KSC luncheon that help support the United Way Challenge.
Current Topics:
Employment rights, laws and definitions update - KSC will continue to work with HR regarding any work environment issues.
Emergency Alerts - several people had concerns about the severe weather policy notification process with the new year starting and storms likely coming. Safety will continue to update the campus on how employees to campus weather issues. Also, there was concern on doing a possible test of the emergency notification system. Enrollment into the text alerts system is available via
Attendance: Robin Ball, Anne Ellsworth, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Susan Morse, Pamela Sheasby Loretta Shults, Kim Totman, Jennifer Cabral, Human Resources
Employment Rights, Laws & Definitions
Jennifer Cabral came to the KSC meeting to help answer any questions regarding employment rights and laws at Kenyon. There were several questions regarding comp time, overtime, pay weeks, etc. Jennifer explained that comp time is about hours worked in a pay week and not just about 40 hours in the standard week. Also, that if someone is consistently working long hours, then it’s time to re-evaluate the workload & distribution of duties of that position. It was also suggested that those who have concerns about their work environment (workload, distribution of duties, reporting, etc) may talk to Carrie Knell, (college ombudsperson). Jennifer Cabral also answered questions relating to impact on budgets for overtime and comp time.
Another topic was ensuring supervisors have designated proxies setup so that approving timecards are processed in a timely fashion.
Next KSC Meeting will be held on 1/7/2015 in Ramser Room (Lower Peirce Hall).
Attendance: Robin Ball, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin,, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O'Neill, Pamela Sheasby Loretta Shults, Kim Totman,
Subcommittee Reports:
Events: November 20th – Thanksgiving lunch - $4.00 unless we bring canned goods equivalent, then free
December 16th – Holiday lunch – Free for Kenyon Employees, guests $10.00.
Communications: Parental Leave policy updated on site. Meeting notes on site.
Benefits: Some biweekly paid employees are having trouble getting their supervisors to timely approve
timecards. Questions on overtime and recording it on timecards was a large discussion.
Outreach: KSC signed cards for later use.
Current Topics:
Performance evaluation – Discussion on pros/cons of them. Good way to document positive points but can also be negative if staff and supervisor do not agree on points.
2020 committee – Lorie asked KSC to submit short blurbs:
o What is Kenyon doing right to build community?
o What is Kenyon doing wrong that hurts our community?
Next Monday and Tuesday, 2020 committee is sponsoring free lunches to foster discussions.
Payroll Issue for December 2015/January 2016 – Survey results leaned heavily towards December 31st payment instead of January 4th. Senior staff has approved this so Cathy Riel in accounting will update payroll procedures thus allowing appropriate deductions over a years payroll.
Steve Martin will be contacting Michelle Foster to explain comp time and overtime in more detail
Attendance: Robin Ball, Anne Ellsworth, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O’Neill, Pamela Sheasby, Lorie Shults, Jackie Teater, Kim Totman
KSC reviewed signups for committees. Benefits subcommittee will have 2 reps (Michelle Fidler & Pamela Sheasby) on the joint presidential benefit committee comprised of faculty, staff and admins. Co-chairs asked subcommittee to meet soon in order to determine goals for the 2014-2015 year.
Next KSC Meeting scheduled for 11/5/2014 in Ramser (Peirce basement).
Attendance: Robin Ball, Anne Ellsworth, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, , Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O’Neill, Pamela Sheasby, Lorie Shults, Jackie Teater, Kimberly Totman
Special Guests: Linda Beck (Maintenance Rep.), JP Downs (Campus Safety Rep.), Cathy Riel (Accounting Rep.), Bob Smith (Maintenance Rep.)
Outreach: Barbara Kakiris requested that she & Jackie Teater be notified when someone returns from an extended absence due to medical or personal reasons for appropriate follow-up.
Next KSC meeting will be on 10/1/2014 at 10am in Ramser (Peirce basement).