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5/6/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Erin O’Neill, Kate Posey, Trisha Priest, Lorie Shults, Jackie Teater
Special Guest: Mort Guiney
New Business:
- Faculty Affairs Committee: FAC represented by Mort Guiney, outgoing Chair of FAC; Requesting KSC support of a new benefits committee comprised of faculty, staff & HR members.
- Mort Guiney shared the following: Emeriti accounts act more like health insurance in that when “contributor” dies, any remaining amounts stay with Emeriti—NOT family vs. TIAA-CREF who returns any remaining amounts to the contributor’s family or beneficiaries.
- Members of Kenyon’s community are concerned about this thus FAC’s asking KSC to consider a joint committee to benefit ALL. Representation would 1-2 faculty (voted by faculty), 1-2 staff, & 1-2 HR; Jennifer Cabral feels it’s a good idea for all 3 levels to be represented; Senior staff supports this idea as well. Planning to begin creating committee in Fall 2014.
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Met with Michelle Foster in HR over benefits in a general discussion. Forwarding parental leave proposal to Senior Staff in June to prepare for retreat in August.
- Events: April’s lunch had a low turnout due to numerous events on same day. Recommended holding KSC Snack day later in year. Shared a suggestion that a future KSC lunch feature students’ favorite options.
- Communications: Election emails have been sent. By-laws will be shared via Google Docs to campus.
- Outreach: Committee has received 3 requests & will process requests soon.
Old Business:
- End of Year Reports: Upload to Google Drive by 5/15/2014.
- Election of 2014-2015: Co-Chair (Steve Martin), Secretary (Michelle Fidler), Treasurer (Aaron Miller), & Election Coordinator (Jared Hoffman). Further updates to come later.
- Current Status of KSC elections: 103 votes cast.
- Years of Service reception will be held on 5/20/2014.
- End of Year KSC Lunch with Pres. Sean Decatur will be held on 6/10/2014 from 12pm-1:30pm.
Next KSC meeting will be announced at a later time.
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4/15/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Erin O’Neill, Kate Posey, Lorie Shults, Jackie Teater
Special Guest: Pres. Sean Decatur
Update on 2020 Conversations:
- 300 participants (combined alumni & parents of current students) so far.
- Listening sessions are very encouraging & sharing ideas: how to improve Kenyon’s community; continuing discussion of true value of Kenyon’s education & assisting students after graduation regardless of path (career or further education); improving Kenyon’s infrastructure & buildings.
- Mutual feelings of stress campus-wide between students, staff & faculty. Community wants to address difficulties as a family but unsure of best way to do so. Desire better management of technology while still maintaining personal contact with others.
- Helping first year students & better prepare them for life after Kenyon.
- Encouraging offices/divisions to work together when scheduling/planning events involving Kenyon community. Consider ways to foster open communication & more transparency while preserving Kenyon’s community, yet reducing stress levels for ALL.
Committee Reports:
Postponed until 5/6/2014 due to meeting going over time.
Old Business:
- By-laws: Meg Galipault moved to adopt the new proposed by-laws & Barbara Kakiris seconded the motion.
- End of Year Reports: Reminded committees need to submit reports by May 6th
- Appts for next year: Postponed until 5/6/2014 due to meeting going over time.
Next KSC meeting on 5/6/2014 in Peirce Hall’s Ramser Room.
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4/1/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Leslie Harding, Shanon Hashman, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
NOTE: Pres. Sean Decatur was scheduled to speak but needed to cancel at last minute due to unexpected matter taking precedence.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
By-laws: Co-chairs requests KSC members read proposed changes under section III (Officers) & submit changes for final reading at next KSC meeting.
New Business:
- End of Year Reports: Committees need to submit reports by May 6th
- Appts for next year: Co-chair, secretary, treasurer & election coordinator to be determined at next KSC meeting. Also be thinking of committee positions for next year. Final nominations for election due 4/18 & election ballots begin 4/26.
Next KSC meeting on 4/15/2014 in Peirce Hall’s Ramser Room.
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3/18/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Erin O’Neill, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Asks KSC members to read proposals for parental leave policy then decide which to forward on to Senior Staff.
- Events: Snack Break on Fri., March 21st from 2pm-4pm; Ransom Lawn (rain site in Peirce Lounge). Last KSC lunch will be held on April 17th-Fiesta theme.
- Communications: Notified of issues with website; working with Patti Burns to remedy them.
- Outreach: Sent 9 new employee packets.
Old Business:
- By-Laws: Cont’d from last meeting; dropping exempt/non-exempt restrictions.
- Parental Leave draft: Proposals have been drafted; waiting for KSC members’ reading/vote.
- Announcement of job opportunities at Kenyon: Discussed needing clarification of posting requirements; some jobs filled with applicants from previous searches for similar positions.
New Business:
None at this time.
Next KSC meeting is set for 4/1/2014.
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3/4/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Jared Hoffman, Aaron Miller, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
Note: Meeting held in Peirce Lounge due to maintenance work in Alumni Dining Room.
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Discussed parental leave draft; committee will meet to review & present to KSC at next meeting with intent to vote on sending proposal to Senior Staff.
- Events: Snack Break on Fri., March 21st from 2pm-4pm; Ransom Lawn (rain site in Peirce Lounge); snack type TBA. Taco Bar on Thurs., April 17th.
- Communications: Agreed to remind Kenyon community of KSC’s presence via email & website.
- Outreach: Please notify Barbara Kakiris, Trish Priest or Jackie Teater with any requests for KSC acknowledgements.
Old Business:
- By-Laws: Read & make suggestions to Leslie Harding; by-laws need to be done by April 1st as elections for KSC positions will begin in early May. Kate Posey suggested each KSC position check their specific by-law write-up for changes/updates & notify Leslie Harding of them. Also to meet “quorum” for voting purposes, KSC must have at least 9 of 16 members present when voting.
- Co-Chair rotation: Agreed to change position to 2 year service to retain history & knowledge in guiding KSC. The co-chairs will change on a rotational basis in order to have a “senior” & a “junior” co-chair team.
New Business:
Announcement of job opportunities at Kenyon: These are dependent on specific dept or division where jobs are located (please see ASK Kenyon Staff Council Q&A for more info)
Next KSC meeting is set for 3/18/2014.
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2/18/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Michelle Fidler, Barbara Kakiris, Erin O’Neill, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Kate Posey
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: No updates.
- Events: Pasta Bingo lunch on February 20th. Snack Break on March 21st from 2pm-4pm; Ransom Lawn (rain site in Peirce Lounge). Taco Bar on April 17th.
- Communications: Sending out emails for lunches.
- Outreach: Barbara & Jackie request the following: When contacted regarding outreach requests, please verify info either through a supervisor or HR to avoid misunderstanding of the situation.
Old Business:
- By-Laws: No updates yet as Leslie Harding was absent.
- Co-Chair rotation: Tabled until next meeting due to low member attendance.
New Business:
None brought to table at this time.
Next KSC meeting is set for 3/4/2014.
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2/4/2014 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Shanon Hashman, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Erin O’Neill, Steve Martin, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: No updates.
- Events: Next staff lunch on February 20th--Pasta Bingo. March 21st—Snack Break from 2pm-4pm; Ransom Lawn (rain site in Peirce Lounge). April 17th—Taco Bar.
- Communications: Will send out emails for lunches.
- Outreach: KSC team signed cards.
Old Business:
By-Laws: No updates yet as both Leslie Harding & Kate Posey were absent.
New Business:
- Co-chair rotation: Currently co-chair serve 1 year term; should we consider 2 year service for co-chair duties?
- Monthly pay schedule changing to biweekly: Scheduled for summer 2014; Concerns about possible lag & adjustment periods?
Next KSC meeting is set for 2/18/2014.
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12/3/2013 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Leslie Harding, Aaron Miller, Kate Posey, Trish Priest, Jackie Teater
Note: President Decatur has appointed Trish Priest to serve the remainder of Lee Schott’s term. We welcome Trish to the Kenyon Staff Council.
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Jared Hoffman drafted parental leave policy for KSC’s discussion.
- Events: Deciding on charities for Christmas lunch; Leslie Harding will follow-up on possible ideas.
- Communications: Dates have been posted for future KSC lunches.
- Outreach: 2 items sent & several more in process.
Old Business:
By-Laws: Leslie Harding & Kate Posey asked KSC to read current by-laws and make suggestions for updates.
New Business:
Monday, 12/23/2013: Question: Is Kenyon open or closed? Kenyon is open unless notified otherwise; can use personal (personal, sick or vacation) time if okayed by supervisor.
Next KSC meeting is set for 1/7/2014.
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11-19-13 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Aaron Miller, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Shanon Hashman, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Lorie Shults, Jackie Teater
Special Guests: Jennifer Cabral, Cathy Riel
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Jennifer Cabral spoke regarding payroll changes for NON-EXEMPT staff by July 1, 2014 (required for federal law compliance). Monthly pay will change to biweekly & letters will be sent to those affected. Additionally, yellow timecards are changing to online web entry in order to allow easier viewing of accrued time. Training sessions for online web entry will begin in May 2014. Questions regarding changes, please contact Jennifer Cabral or Cathy Riel.
- Events: 11-20-13—Thanksgiving lunch. Bingo lunch is in February. March’s lunch has been changed to “snack” time later in afternoon-details TBA.
- Communications: No updates.
- Outreach: 10 cards have been sent. Please contact Barbara Kakiris or Jackie Teater if you would like KSC to remember a positive or struggling event.
Old Business:
- ALL Staff Happy Hours: Reminder, Happy Hour event will be held on Dec. 5th from 4:30pm-6:30pm in Gund Gallery’s Fischman Lobby.
- Open Forum with Pres. Decatur: November’s forum for 11-19-2013 at 3:30pm.
- By-laws: Leslie Harding will “chair” the re-writing of by-laws; she reminded members to look at them & offer suggestions.
New Business:
- Committee placements: Lorie Shults will join Benefits & Shanon Hashman will join Events.
- Pres. Decatur will be appointing a replacement for Lee Schott.
Next Kenyon Staff Council Meeting: 12/3/2013 at 10:00am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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11-5-2013 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Marc Bragin, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Shanon Hashman, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Met on 11-4-2013. Met w/ Jennifer Cabral to discuss bereavement and parental leaves—proposals being considered by KSC. Jennifer Cabral mentioned that payroll procedures will change on July 1, 2014—she will share more info at the next KSC meeting so KSC can share questions or concerns. SPECIAL NOTE: Holiday Break will remain as it has in past years regarding the campus shutdown between Christmas & New Year’s Day.
- Events: Meeting with AVI on 11-8-2013 to discuss menus for next semester. For questions regarding Halloween party contests/prizes, please contact Erin O’Neill. Reminder: November’s KSC Lunch will be on 11-20-2013. December’s KSC Lunch info will be announced soon.
- Communications: Website has been changed to reflect name change to Kenyon Staff Council.
- Outreach: Several cards have been sent to folks in the Kenyon community. Reminder: If you know someone who’s struggling or celebrating a special event in their lives and would like Staff Council to acknowledge that, please send requests to Jackie Teater or Barbara Kakiris. Marc Bragin suggested holding an open house to formally announce KSC’s new name and as a way to introduce the KSC members to the Kenyon community.
Old Business:
- ALL Staff Happy Hours: Reminder, Happy Hour events will be held on Nov. 7th & Dec. 5th from 4:30pm-6:30pm in Gund Gallery’s Fischman Lobby.
- Lunch and Learn: “How to Respect Yourself and Others by Communicating Assertively” will be held on Nov. 13th from 12pm-1pm in Peirce’s Leach Dining Room, (presented by Kenyon’s ombudsperson)
- Open Forum with Pres. Decatur: November’s forum has been rescheduled for 11-19-2013 at 3:30pm due to schedule conflicts.
New Business:
By-laws: Co-Chair Kate Posey asked KSC members to review PACT by-laws & submit recommendations for changes. KSC can access it on the O-drive under Staff Council.
Next Kenyon Staff Council Meeting: 11/19/2013 at 10:00am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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10-15-13 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Met on 10-9-2013. Requested to meet with Jennifer Cabral in November to discuss bereavement leave policies; parental leave disparities for staff/staff, staff/faculty, faculty/faculty; questions regarding Emeriti investment choices due to higher expense ratios; continuation of Christmas Break; request to have Wednesday before Thanksgiving off (similar to Friday after Thanksgiving).
- Events: No meetings but exchanged emails. Halloween Party: Requesting skits be 5 minutes or less due to time constraints; email with details forthcoming.
- Communications: No meetings but 2 new questions: 1—Where are the Middle Path trashcans? (Removed temporarily-looking for new ones); 2—Why isn’t there a faculty only presidential forum? (President Decatur answered—faculty have more opportunities to meet with president whereas staff do not).
- Outreach: Those in attendance signed cards. 1 new employee packet has been handed out this month. Follow up with printer to get more cards with new name: Kenyon Staff Council.
Old Business:
PACT Committee--number of representatives: 2 new members have been selected by President Decatur (Shanon Hashman and Lorie Shults).
New Business:
- Staff Happy Hours: Per Megan Hancock (Asst. Director, Curatorial & Educational Programs in Gund Gallery), they will offer staff happy hours on Thursday, 11/7/2013 and Thursday, 12/5/2013 from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Both events are free and open to ALL Kenyon staff and it will be held in the Gund Gallery’s Fischman Lobby.
- Events Committee: Announced a new Bingo prize donated by the KAC (free smoothie)
- PACT name: Changed to Kenyon Staff Council (KSC).
Next Kenyon Staff Council Meeting: 11/5/2013 at 10am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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10-1-13 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Lee Schott, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
- Benefits: Haven’t met yet but will try to in near future. Hope to meet with Jennifer Cabral to discuss bereavement leave policies & parental leave disparities for staff/staff, staff/faculty, faculty/faculty.
- Events: Met. Committee will meet with AVI to discuss possible menu changes for next semester & possible ice cream hour. Halloween party—agreed to clarify guidelines for skits & costumes. Also to encourage mixing of staff among departments, considering handing lunch attendees number slips & then sit at table marked with that number. First Presidential forum received well by staff—feedback indicates the open hour was a big draw. Next Presidential forum is scheduled on 10/15/2013 for 12pm-1pm.
- Communications: AskPact link is working now. No new questions at this time.
- Outreach: Temporary new cards will be done for next meeting until a new name is selected for PACT.
Old Business:
- Name Change from PACT to ? : Discussed several options and voted on final selection. Meg Galipault made a motion to adopt “Kenyon Staff Council” as our new name and Leslie Harding seconded the motion. Marc Bragin suggested we create a new logo reflecting the name change. Chris Ellsworth will send a proposal indicating the name change to President Decatur for consideration & possible approval.
New Business:
- PACT Committee: Number of representatives: Will be 16 members for this academic year only due to special circumstances of folks leaving mid-term and new folks appointed to fill those terms.
- Verizon Discounts: Kenyon staff & employee can get a discount on their Verizon phone plans but actual percentage depends on plan type—for questions, contact Fred Linger for more details.
Next PACT Meeting: 10/15/2013 at 10am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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9-17-13 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Barbara Kakiris, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
Committee Reports:
Benefits: Haven’t met yet.
Events: Met; changing bingo, increasing fundraising options for charities, maybe a self-defense class for employees at KAC, and an ice cream social.
Communications: Met briefly for BigTree training (Chris Ellsworth-lead checker of email, Marc Bragin-update calendar, Meg Galipault-send PACT emails, & Michelle Fidler-Meetings summary). Asked new PACT members to do questionnaires. ***Meg asked that any news to be sent from PACT be sent to her for release.
Outreach: Jackie Teater & Barbara Kakiris—Cheer Baskets. Lee Schott—new printed items for PACT. Kate Posey—New Employee Packages (invite for campus tours through Admissions office & coupons for PACT lunches).
Old Business:
Minutes: The minutes were read from our last meeting on 9/3/2013.
Future Meeting dates & times: Dates have been set through the end of the semester & Chris will send Google invites for them.
Employee Lunches: Dates are set & have been updated on PACT website.
Web page & Ask PACT: Old link still works but new link isn’t yet.
New Business:
Pres. Decatur’s Assignment for PACT: Continuing to consider possible name change. Sean feels PACT’s current impression is one directional (from President only) but wishes it to be two directional (from President AND from staff so concerns are shared equally). PACT team agrees it’s time to consider name change & will discuss further at next meeting on 10/1/2013. Changes made soon due to Kenyon’s website & new president.
Presidential Forums & Expectation of attendance: Unknown until first one happens to get sense of reception. Next forum scheduled for 10/15/2013 at 12pm-1pm.
AskPACT: Question concerning bereavement policy. PACT understands staff is concerned but will defer to HR with request to compare policies with similar employers & possibly consider changes later.
Family Leave: Will continue discussion of maternity/paternity leave in addition to additional time off for bereavement.
Transparency: Considering sending AskPACT questions to Senior Staff as an FYI as record of transparency & to alert them to “hot” concerns of the time. PACT members should send minutes to their division.
Susan Morse (Special Guest): Discussed harassment training—it IS mandatory & President’s office wants feedback (both positive & negative). (Initial impression is staff had to complete training in order to address a situation already on campus).
Orientation of New Employees: Emails announcing new hires & maps of Mt. Vernon, Knox County, nearby bigger cities (Mansfield, Newark, Columbus) would be helpful for those not familiar with area.
Next PACT Meeting: 10/1/2013 at 10am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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9-3-13 Meeting Summary
Attendance: Robin Ball, Marc Bragin, Sean Decatur, Chris Ellsworth, Michelle Fidler, Meg Galipault, Leslie Harding, Jared Hoffman, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller, Susan Morse, Erin O'Neill, Kate Posey, Jackie Teater
Introductions of attendees around the table took place.
Brief Discussion of Committees:
We talked about committees and requested committees meet to update new members of current projects or concerns within the group. The committees are:
- Benefits: Michelle Fidler, Jared Hoffman, Steve Martin, Aaron Miller
- Communications: Marc Bragin, Chris Ellsworth, Meg Galipault
- Events: Robin Ball, Leslie Harding, Erin O’Neill
- Outreach: Barbara Kakiris, Kate Posey, Lee Schott, Jackie Teater
Old Business:
- Minutes: The minutes were read from our last meeting on May 7, 2013.
- PACT End-of-year reports: We discussed highlights of the report.
New Business:
- Future Meetings: Decision was reached to continue meeting 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 10am for first semester. We will meet on these dates: 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17 in Ramser Room on 1st floor Peirce Hall.
- PACT sponsored Employee Lunches: Dates were set: 9/19 (Picnic), 10/29 (Halloween), 11/20 (Thanksgiving), 12/12 (Holiday), 2/20 (Pasta & Bingo), 3/20 (Breakfast & Bingo), 4/17 (Taco).
- Webpage and AskPACT: The webpage is in transition as the Kenyon website is still being tweaked. AskPACT is not working on the new website yet so please contact a PACT member if somebody has a question for PACT.
Special Guests: President Sean Decatur & Susan Morse asked PACT members to relay to Kenyon staff & employees that they are open to hearing ideas & concerns regarding Kenyon’s future over the next 5 years. There will be open forums at various times over the next year and a half. The purpose of these forums is to foster ideas, encourage speaking up, and ask questions. They will be informal and anyone can drop in during the listed times for the forums: 9/18 from 9am-10am, 10/15 from 12pm-1pm, 11/21 from 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Sean led a discussion about PACT and its history. He asked the PACT members to consider an evaluation of our true purpose and whether our name fits appropriately. We’re to think about this in preparation for our next meeting and be prepared to discuss at the next PACT meeting.
Next PACT Meeting: 9/17/2013 at 10am in Ramser (Peirce Hall)
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