Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin
Old Business
Information will be passed on to the president's office for review.
New Business
Subcommittee reports
Events – N/A
Communications – N/A
Benefits – N/A
Outreach – N/A
Subcommittee ideas - N/A
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Lori Shults, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Dipali Joshi
Old Business
PACT Member Election – reviewed employees who have agreed to run for the election.
Academic Exempt
Christopher Ellsworth - YES
Aaron Miller - YES
Christina Mastrangelo - YES
Erin O'Neill - YES
LBIS Non-Exempt
Jennifer Beck – YES
Michelle Fidler -YES
Lee Schott – YES
Will Geiger - YES
Doodle poll will be up to determine when to have lunch (around July 9th).
Proposal was created, given to senior staff, and the Collegian is going to write about it.
Georgia received the proposal and is being reviewed.
Amy Quinlivan created a document and compared costs for childcare centers which was included in the proposal.
Evolving Workshop
We need volunteers to come up with some ideas to implement the evolving workshop.
Common Ground Lunch
Staff Sabbatical
Initial meeting with Jennifer Cabral regarding the salary survey
Subcommittee reports
Events – N/A
Communications – N/A
Benefits – N/A
Outreach – N/A
New Business
End of the year meeting with President Nugent will be Thursday May 24th at 3:30pm
Subcommittee ideas - N/A
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Lori Shults, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Dipali Joshi
Old Business
PACT Subcommittee Reports need to be turned in as soon as possible.
Salary Study
Jennifer Cabral and Georgia talked to Carol Duvall to get a team of PACT members to be on the salary study team.
PACT members were selected: Carolyn Waggoner, Marc Bragin, Carmen King, and Carol Duval.
Requested feedback from other PACT members as to what needs to be on the survey.
A letter will be submitted to Georgia thanking her for including PACT.
Election Update
Status of election slate for five open positions and PACT co-chairs, secretary & treasurer:
Mike McCardel has reached out of employees to serve on PACT.
Responses varied:
Time commitment / PACT is not doing enough / I probably will not be around for three years.
PACT discussed possible replacements for outgoing members.
Admin/Staff Sabbatical Program
A meeting was set up with an employee who worked at Carleton College, and discussed their sabbatical program with PACT. Their program is setup to take place over and entire semester and is related to professional development.
The program is only awarded to two employees a year.
Divisions had to "work it out" when employees were out for a semester.
Employees had to present on the program they participated in.
Revisions to the current proposal are underway.
Workshop: Evolving Careers of Academic Administrators and Staff
PACT needs move forward on the workshop proposal.
Subcommittee reports
Events – N/A
Communications – emails need to be sent regarding the next employee luncheon.
Benefits – working on salary study.
Outreach – a new Ohio 5 employee started. Needs a welcome packet sent.
New Business
Reviewed childcare proposal
There seems to be support from various Sr. Staff members.
A document of comparable childcare facility costs will be submitted to senior staff for review.
Question came up; can the childcare facility handle the increased numbers?
Answer: there is a list for children that the daycare facility has and Kenyon employees have priority. However, there are a set number of children that they can watch.
Kenyon owns the building but not the business. Kenyon maintains the facility.
How is the discount going to happen? Example: employee pays 40% but Kenyon pays 60%. Currently there is a 4% discount which equals $9.
The program change would be for exempt and non-exempt employees, not for faculty.
Subcommittee ideas - N/A
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin
Old Business
Work place bullying – information will be provided to employees as a "session". There will be books and videos available to employees. Carrie (ombudsman) is onboard with this, and is gathering information.
Kenyon Childcare - PACT would like to push for 25% discount for administrators and staff. A survey would need to be sent to employees to see who would use it. We also need to determine what the cost would be to Kenyon. Amy Quinlivan is working on information/survey to be sent to employees. She has been gathering information on this benefit. Senior staff is open to this suggestion but it needs support of many employees.
A letter is being written to Georgia regarding how PACT should be involved in the salary survey.
Reasons for PACT to be involved
How can PACT be involved
Collegian would like to do an article on the salary disparity and the unrest amongst staff and administrative staff.
Subcommittee reports
Events – N/A
Communications – N/A
Benefits – Town Hall Meeting was held and Jennifer Cabral presented.
Did anyone have any feedback on the meeting?
Jennifer was supposed to get back to employees on a question that was posed. There is still confusion on how employees are supposed to designate a beneficiary to the Emeriti program. People are also confused how the program is going to be paid to the beneficiary if the employee is deceased.
Outreach – Welcome packets were sent last week. The lists that we generate are not the most accurate. We also receive emails from LBIS on new hires but sometimes they are not great as well.
New Business
Ask PACT questions are being posted to the web per the request of a concerned employee.
Subcommittee ideas
3/20/2012 PACT Meeting Summary
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Lori Shults, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin
Old Business
Town Hall Meeting with Jennifer Cabral on Thursday March 23rd at 11am in Community Foundation Theater
Feedback from Development staff who proposed the Staff/Admin Sabbatical
Interviewed Staff and Admin:
Some employees thought of this idea as additional vacation time and were enthusiastic.
Interviewed Senior Staff:
One senior staff member didn't think this would work and would be logistically difficult to implement.
Another report was given and their senior staff member was for the idea. However, they would support it if it was more educational based/training or had positive affect for Kenyon.
Salary issues – discussions occurred regarding the 2% salary increase and how PACT could be more involved in with the consultants that the college is bringing in.
Subcommittee reports
Events – Breakfast luncheon coming up on March 29th.
Communications – luncheon email was sent.
Benefits – Town Hall Meeting coming up with Jennifer Cabral.
Outreach – A few new employees have been hired and need welcome packets. We will work on getting those sent out this week.
New Business
Staff member request about childcare – is there a way to increase the Kenyon employee discount? Some employees are not sure how this can be called a "benefit" when it is not affordable.
Subcommittee ideas
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Dipali Joshi
Staff Sabbatical Program
Would Senior Staff be willing to consider this request
How to build a case for the pilot program
Evaluating Careers Workshop Report
Mentoring program: No cost / low cost – assigned to the benefits subcommittee for additional research.
Assessment training
Topic came up and we are wondering how many people are using the new evaluation process. This would be another question for the benefits subcommittee to ask Jennifer Cabral.
A few statements were made about the current evaluation process:
There are many employees that have never received an evaluation.
Some employees have just copied their evaluation from the past and not even changed any of the wording.
A change needs to come down from senior staff to enforce evaluations or enact the new "valuation" process.
I have too much on my plate, why do I have to evaluate myself?
Why do I have to do this … it's not going to get me anymore money?
Employee University concept
Replacement for Ty McGuire – unknown. Will ask the president's office how to proceed.
Subcommittee reports
Events – There was a small crowd, but the folks that attended said they liked the meal.
Communications – No report
Benefits – No report
Outreach – Few new employees were hired emails were sent to subcommittee members to send welcome packets, goodie bags, and free lunch coupons.
New Business
Subcommittee ideas
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Dipali Joshi
Old Business
Review of Evolving Careers Workshop Report
What do other departments already have in place? If there are existing benefits in other departments can they be expanded across campus? What is the cost associated with the benefit? How to implement?
Possibly survey the other GLCA schools or the Ohio 5 to see what could be adopted at Kenyon College.
"Common Ground" Lunch/Meeting Room for Faculty and Staff
Idea came up for a place to have meetings/lunch for faculty and staff. A room in Peirce was setup for the 11-12 academic year. Attendance was taken for fall, smallest group was around 6 and the largest was 22.
New Business
Meg Galipault – Policy Presentation - Proposal for Staff Sabbatical Program
Idea came about from Ebay.
How it would work at Kenyon is:
After 5 years of service employees would receive 2 weeks sabbatical
10 years of service - 3 weeks
15 years of service - 4 weeks
Colgate has a sabbatical policy in place. We may want to reach out to them to see how theirs works.
Need to research how many employees this would affect. i.e. how many 5 year employees do we have, how many 10 year… etc
Survey Results from the Christmas PACT Luncheon
Faculty did take the survey… this is why we had some "no" votes regarding PACT's Mission and what we do.
Survey results were given to Georgia to take to senior staff for discussion.
Results – from the three questions
Clear communication for benefits.
Care Baskets – good feedback regarding
"Employee University" – employees teach other employees. Courses could be hobby type of classes.. i.e. knitting. Idea would be to build on existing programs such as Kenyon craft center classes or the Kenyon Fit program.
Develop a list of employees would be interested it teaching a topic. i.e. woodworking, costume making, knitting etc.
Next meeting February 2nd – Robin Goodstein will be in attendance.
Subcommittee reports.
Events – Bingo Luncheon on January 26th.
Communications – No Report
Benefits – No Report
Outreach – Few new employees were hired emails were sent to subcommittee members to send welcome packets and free lunch coupons.
Subcommittee ideas –
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kevin Paskvan, Kate Posey, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Marc Bragin, Dipali Joshi, Mike McCardel, Meg Galipault, Carol Duvall
Old Business
Subcommittee reports
Events - Lunch is Tuesday.
Communications - lunch notices are being emailed. Subcommittee would like to send more PACT Facts - ideas for PACT Facts, benefits information etc.
Benefits - Nothing to report.
Outreach - Nothing to report.
New Business
1. Questions or concerns about Robin Goodstein's confidentiality memo.
Two requests from Robin Goodstein
a. Discussion of Evolving Workshop summary
i. Looking for feedback if we should move forward on this.
ii. A couple of meetings were held and a report summary was completed.
iii. PACT needs to ask people in their respective departments to see if it would benefit the campus.
b. Attendance by Robin at more meetings
i. Would this have an effect on discussions in PACT.
2. PACT - It was recommended that the committee develops a survey or a couple of questions to gauge PACTs effectiveness.
3. Upcoming PACT & All-Campus events
a. PACT lunch, next Tuesday Dec. 13th 11-1 in the Alumni Dining Room
b. Holiday gatherings, next Monday and Tuesday, invitations sent to everyone
c. MLK Day of Dialog, Monday Jan. 16th, the first day of classes. Events are set to start at 3pm
d. Faculty/Staff Common Ground Lunch, thoughts from attendees
4. Next meeting January 10th
Subcommittee ideas
11/08/11 PACT Meeting Summary
Members present: Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kevin Paskvan, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Marc Bragin, Ty McGuire, Dipali Joshi
Old Business
Subcommittee reports
Events - Halloween luncheon was successful. It was mentioned that it's unfortunate that we have to split the lunch and skit into two different rooms. 252 people were in attendance. It was the highest attended luncheon ever. Some departments were attempting to use account numbers to get into the lunches. Account numbers cannot be used for employee luncheons.. it's a different budget process.
Communications - No Report
Benefits - Nothing to report
Outreach - No new employees. Lunch tickets in the welcome packet worked better than using email.
New Business
Ms. Robin Goodstein attended the meeting today.
Town hall meeting question: what happens to ombudsman files when a person leaves? Files were shredded to insure privacy. Only programmatic information was passed on to the new ombudsman. The information that she had will not be passed on to anyone else. Confidentiality is the most important aspect to the ombudsman roll.
Subcommittee ideas
Members present: Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Ty McGuire, Dipali Joshi, Carolyn Waggoner
Old Business
1. Bi-weekly payroll update (Carol)
a. 75 people affected
b. A letter or email is nearing readiness stating this is an option to have bi-weekly pay.
c. PACT recommended having as much detail on the notification as possible. i.e. what the pay dates are. Etc.
c. A Doodle poll will be set up to ask if they would like to have bi-weekly pay. All 75 people have to respond and if a majority of the employees are for it then accounting will move forward on setting up bi-weekly pay for them.
Question: What about other employees? Answer: it would be way too expensive to implement.
2. Faculty/Staff Common Ground Lunch Area Update
a. Early response to the lunch room was very positive.
b. Continue, encourage more use of the room
c. The lunch area is a nice way for employees to get out of their offices to talk with other employees and faculty. lists the dates the lunch room is available.
New Business
Encourage questions to be submitted via
Subcommittee reports
Events – Gearing up for the Halloween lunch.
5 cheer baskets were sent. One was sent due to a death in the family, and a few other employees fell upon hard times.
Please let the events committee know if cheer baskets are needed for other employees.
Communications – No report
Q: Have there any ask PACT questions sent?
A: only a few and they have been answered.
Page needs to be updated for posting questions. Jared was contacted.
Benefits – spoke to Jennifer Cabral and will come up with communication to employees regarding three benefit types.
1. Emeriti – employees can pay into it starting at the age of 35. Program was set up to help with catastrophic health occurrences.
2. Tuition benefits
3. Supplemental health benefits
Other topics for communication notices:
Paternity and maternity leave – FMLA allows for 12 weeks unpaid and Kenyon supplements that costs with 6 of those weeks paid. So first six weeks is paid then rest of the time taken is unpaid. Kenyon Policy covers a mother and/or a father. The employee can take the 12 weeks off or can split the medical leave over a time period. Employees must work with their supervisor as to when they can take either 6(paid) or 12 combined 6 weeks paid/ 6 weeks unpaid time off. Question asked: does HR know their site is confusing. Answer: yes but they attempted to answer two questions… FMLA requirement and what Kenyon's policy is.
Eye care/insurance coverage – eye medical coverage is covered. Health issues with your eyes are covered. Eye exams are covered once a year.
Wellness clinics were discussed as a possible option for Kenyon to look into as a cost savings.
Outreach – 5 new employees started since we ran the new employee listing. Packets will be made and goodie bags will need to be sent. We also need to update the listing out on the P subcommittee share folder. Also the outreach committee had the print shop create envelops for our packets. If other subcommittees would like some to use let us know.
It was recommended printing the lunch coupon instead of emailing it. Employees didn't open the email
Subcommittee ideas –
Members present: Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Ty McGuire, Dipali Joshi, Carolyn Waggoner
Old Business
Bi-weekly pay - 75 non-exempt employees will receive this benefit. This has been done before with the maintenance department. Accounting is currently working out the transition to the new bi-weekly pay policy.
Faculty/Staff "Lunch Lounge" area - you are allowed to "Brown Bag" this luncheon.
New Business
Carrie Knell, the new Ombudsperson, was introduced and talked about her position at Kenyon. She works quarter time and the best way to reach her is by phone or by email. If employees call her she mentioned everything is held in confidence and that employees do not even have to mention their names. She wants to get the word out she is here to help.
Subcommittee reports
Events - Halloween luncheon coming up, 25th. Subcommittee needs help setting up for the luncheon. They would like to start around 9am. The lunch goes from 11:00 am till 1:00pm. Candy bags need to be made up.. They would like to set up a time after work to get the bags ready.
Events subcommittee is starting to send out the cheer baskets. We may start to hear from people who have received them.
30 people were at Georgia's town hall meeting.
Communications - A PACT fact will be coming out for the United Way campaign.
Benefits - meeting setup with HR to discuss maternity leave. The subcommittee is currently working on daily emails, Ask PACT, PACT Facts etc.
Outreach - No report
Subcommittee ideas -
Members present: Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin, Ty McGuire, Dipali Joshi
Old Business
There will be a town hall meeting this Friday in Gund Gallery Auditorium from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. PACT members should wear their name badges. If employees have questions they can submit them through the ask PACT website.
Some employees leave at 3pm and will not be able attend. Question asked if there is a way to have these meetings earlier.
Jennifer Cabral session should be during the day to discuss benefits.
Bi-weekly pay - PACT is trying to determine if employees would be interested in this policy change.
New Business
Meeting/lunch room - available Leach 11:30 to 1:30 for faculty and staff. List of date's available online.
Maternity leave – Benefits subcommittee needs to confirm with HR as to what the policy is. There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding this policy.
Location of Minutes – the location of the PACT minutes can be found at: PACT members can also find them in the PACT network folder.
Subcommittee reports.
Events – the first lunch will be pretty low key. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Halloween lunch is coming up, get your costumes ready. This year there will not be prizes handed out. The event committee needs help with setup and cleanup for the Halloween lunch. Any suggestions for decorations are welcome. The events committee has a couple of cheer baskets that need to be delivered. If anyone knows of an employee that needs a cheer basket please let the events sub-committee know.
Communications – PACT facts need to be sent.
Benefits - no report
Outreach – The outreach committee has met two times to get the welcome packets together before the first lunch. To do this they pulled new employee list, generated welcome letters, and candy bags were made. The packets were brought to today's PACT meeting so that fellow pact members could deliver them to new employees.
Subcommittee ideas
Outreach – Will set up a table for new employees at the first employee lunch to meet other new employees and PACT members.
Members Present: Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shults, Kate Posey, Kevin Paskvan, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Sherrie Moore, Meg Galipault, Aimee Parsley-White, Marc Bragin
Old Business:
Subcommittee sign-up sheets were handed out for pact members. Carmen will email PACT members who have been assigned to their selected subcommittee. Each subcommittee will need to elect a subcommittee head and schedule meetings.
New Business:
Update on PACT Projects/topics for 2011-2012:
Town Hall Guests
President Nugent
First meeting scheduled on 9/23 from 3:30 to 4:30pm
Location: Gallery building
Light appetizers and refreshments will be served after the town hall meeting.
Location: TBA
Jennifer Cabral
Location TBA
Future PACT Meeting Guests
October 4th – Carrie Knell
Robin Goodstein is has replaced Jessie Matz as Advisor to the President and will be attending three PACT meetings this year.
LBIS classes
KAC Wellness programs
BFEC programs
Gallery Building/programs
Historic Tours of Campus
Concert series
Current Events on campus and current topics (lunches, PACT events)
Subcommittee Reports:
N/A < >< >< ><-->