Members Present: Carolyn Waggoner, Amy Williams, Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shultz, Joann Hickman, Kevin Paskvan, Jalene Fox, Deborah Blundell, Diana Blue, Mike McCardel, Karla Goins, Rhonda Crunkilton, Carmen King, Carol Duvall
Old Business:
PACT Member lunch dates are to be determined. PACT End of Year Reports are due.
PACT Elections. Ballots have been distributed to administration and staff across campus. There have been at least one problem identified with distribution list used; if you have not received ballot, please contact Joann Hickman.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - Last all-employee lunch was May 3. Committee will look at PACT lunch menu selections for next year. 45 cheer basket were delivered this year. Outreach - 43 welcome packets / goodie bags delivered this year (35 last year). Benefits - Mike McCardel provided verbal summary of meeting with Jennifer Cabral on benefits and campus initiatives. Communications - one Q & A posted on website.
New Business:
PACT Budget. PACT appears to be in good fiscal standing to date.
LBIS Repair and Replacement. Mike McCardel reported on new policy on computer repair / replacement. Due to budget priorities, replacement cycle has been extended indefinitely.
Members Present: Carolyn Waggoner, Amy Williams, Ty McGuire, Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shultz, Joann Hickman, Carmen King, Kevin Paskvan, Jalene Fox, Deborah Blundell
Old Business:
Halloween Trophy. Plate for Halloween trophy will be engraved for 2010 Winner: College Relations. PACT Lunch Survey. Employees seem generally pleased with cost and options. Evolving Careers Workshop. Names of interested employees have been forwarded to Ryn Edwards. PACT Elections. Jalene Fox still accepting nominations; division supervisors will be contacted for input.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - April PACT lunch (breakfast for lunch) was not well attended. Upcoming PACT lunch on May 3 (Cinco de Mayo theme with taco bar). May - PACT member lunch with President Nugent TBA. June 10 - new PACT member lunch. Outreach -no report. Benefits - expect to meet with Jennifer Cabral next week to review progress on topics. Communications - recent question re: bi-weekly payroll forwarded to Jennifer Cabral.
New Business: Employee concern regarding comp time was discussed. Discussion referenced policy in Staff Handbook. Joann will try to gather more information on policy application for exempt and non-exempt employees.
Jesse Matz in attendance.
Discussed updates on various initiatives: Retirement Planning; Wellness Benefits; Leadership Training and Professional Development (referenced Evolving Career Workshop grant).
Other Business - Jesse will review PACT nominations. The college reaccreditation report is still unofficial; information will be provided once final. Jesse returns to teaching next fall; President's office will assign new representative as liaison with PACT.
Members Present: Carolyn Waggoner, Jalene Fox, Karla Goins, Rhonda Crunkilton, Cathy Kempton, Lorie Shultz, Amy Williams, Ty McGuire, Mike McCardel
Old Business:
PACT lunch survey. General feedback on survey - food selection, day of the week. Members talked about other options such as offering free lunch where all employees go through cafeteria line rather than catered lunch. PACT could cover entire cost of this meal for employees and food selection would be greater. May try this January 2012. Or offering a simple lunch of wraps, fruit, and soup.
Evolving Careers Workshop June 3-5. Lorie received response from 2 PACT members showing interest in participating. Robin Cash is seeking campus committee volunteers.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - upcoming lunches and events: April - breakfast for lunch; May - Cinco de Mayo lunch; June - ice cream social. Outreach - continue to send welcome packets to new employees. Benefits - follow up with Jennifer Cabral on college initiatives. Communications - no report.
New Business:
PACT Election - nomination solicitation went out last week. Nominations will close April 26. Ballot to be posted on or about May 2 followed by voting.
Jesse Matz scheduled for next meeting.
Members Present: Carmen King, Lorie Shults, Joann Hickman, Carolyn Waggoner, Jalene Fox, Ty McGuire, Deborah Blundell, Cathy Kempton, Karla Goins
Professor Ryn Edwards joined us for the first half of our meeting to talk with us about grant money available for a workshop to focus on Evolving Careers on Academic Administrators and Staff. She has asked PACT to select 2 co-writers and 3 representatives from mid-level administrators and staff to attend a 3, ½ days workshop in June. The goal of this workshop is to identify benefits and potential means for growth and learning to bolster careers of mid-level administrators and staff. The outcome would be a proposal for the Provosts and President that would include ideas that could be implemented immediately and those that could unfold with future funding.
Jane Martindell and Tacci Smith joined us for the second half of our meeting to solicit our thoughts on three questions on citizenship. During conversations this past summer amongst faculty and others, it was felt that citizenship was something that Kenyon could do more with. Jane and Tacci will be asking key groups their thoughts when asked these three questions. They will then organize these ideas to present to help give Kenyon some direction.
1. How would you define citizenship?
2. Define important principals of citizenship.
3. Define the ideal student citizen.
Members only had about 10 minutes for a quick meeting.
The events committee of PACT will be surveying administrators and staff, asking if they attend staff lunches and if not, why. Their goal is to gather ideas for what we might be able to do better.
The car registration policy is being reviewed for implementation in summer 2012.
There was no time for committee reports.
Members Present: Carmen King, Amy Williams, Lorie Shults, Mike McCardel, Cathy Kempton. Ty McGuire, Carolyn Waggoner, Jalene Fox, Karla Goins
Old Business: none.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - no PACT all-employee lunch in March. Outreach -continue to send welcome packets to new employees. Benefits - no report. Communications - no report. Valuations - no report. No longer represented by PACT member.
New Business:
PACT internal elections for new officers coming soon.
Discussed 2012-13 Academic Calendar. Lorie sits on calendar committee and can provide voice to committee from PACT.
PACT will prepare all-campus survey to evaluate all-employee lunches. More information to follow.
Discussed opportunity to host gathering in July. PACT does not meet during summer, but employees might enjoy scheduled event (ie, block party, ice cream social) to bring campus together. More information to follow.
Jesse Matz will in attendance at April PACT meeting.
Members Present: Carmen King, Joann Hickman, Deborah Blundell, Amy Williams, Kevin Paskvan, Karla Goins, Dianna Blue, Lorie Shults, Mike McCardel, Rhonda Crunkilton, Jalene Fox, Cathy Kempton
Old Business: Robin Goodstein's conflict management series taking place this semester; watch employee-info emails for more information.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - PACT Bingo lunch 2.18.11. No lunch in March due to spring break. Outreach - 6 new employee welcome packets going out. Benefits - no report.Communications - no report.
Rhonda Crunkilton gave PACT Treasurer report.
New Business: Discussed continued concerns regarding new custodial schedule especially as it relates to needs in public spaces (library, etc).
Members Present: Carmen King, Lorie Shults, Joann Hickman, Deborah Blundell, Cathy Kempton, Amy Williams, Ty McGuire, Kevin Paskvan, Karla Goins, Carolyn Waggoner, Jalene Fox
Old Business: Jalene Fox fills vacancy on PACT from Academics Division.
Subcommittee Reports: Communications - Q & A posted on website. Events - There was discussion about the December Holiday Luncheon. 274 people attended. AVI picked up the portion normally paid by the employees and PACT paid it's normal portion per employee as other lunches. Having PACT collecting for the quilt raffle and AVI collecting for their family in need at the same table created confusion for employees. Holiday quilt raffle sponsored by PACT to benefit Food for the Hungry raised $283.
Next PACT luncheon - Bingo Thursday, January 27, Hawaii Theme.
Benefits - no report. Sustainability - no report. Outreach - no report.
New Business: Custodial hours. PACT is hearing concerns over building (office and classroom) accessibility; loss of prior relationships; general cleanliness and will forward concerns to Greg Widener.
Members Present: Carmen King, Lori Shults, Joann Hickman, Cathy Kempton, Carol Duval, Karla Goins, Kevin Paskvan, Diana Blue, Deborah Blundell, Carolyn Waggoner
Old Business: Discussed recent Town Hall meeting. Attendance was low. Some comments that Friday at 3:30 was not the best time to have one and this late in the semester. PACT will work with the President's office to get an earlier date in the fall for next year.
Subcommittee Reports: Outreach - no report. Communications - seeking responses to 3 questions to Ask PACT. Events - Holiday luncheon Dec 16. On average, about 2 Cheer Baskets are going out a week. Benefits - no report. Valuations - no report.
Members Present: Carmen King, Lorie Shults, Joann Hickman, Deborah Blundell, Karla Goins, Carolyn Waggoner, Cathy Kempton, Mike McCardel, Amy Williams, Rhonda Crunkilton
Subcommittee Reports: Events - Quilt raffle tickets still for sale for December PACT Holiday lunch on Dec 16; Tom O'Brien (AVI) will draw and announce winner of quilt. Bingo luncheons coming up in January and February. Benefits - met with Jennifer Cabral to discuss PACT initiatives. Sustainability - discussed college programs aimed at increasing sustainability. Outreach - no report. Communications - no report. Valuations - no report.
Gary Sweeney and Jesse Matz in attendance.
College's Emergency Response System. There is currently abbreviated information on the Campus Safety website, "In Case of Emergency: A Guide for the Kenyon Community": Small pocket accordion brochures contain a synopsis of emergency procedures and are printed and delivered around campus each year (2500 copies).
The college's complete Emergency Action Plan will soon be posted on Kenyon website; it was last updated June 2010. Gary Sweeney, Emergency Management and Environmental Safety Specialist, commented that the Emergency Action Plan is a good operational manual that is quite comprehensive. It also has room for growth and change. Revisions to the plan are made regularly.
Two groups on campus for immediate response to emergency situations, both made primarily of senior staff: Emergency Readiness Group and Crisis Command Group. The former group meets once a semester and reviews the Emergency Action Plan. The latter group is the responding group when something happens on campus. Not all events elevate to a level to activate this group (ie., small contained fires). In the recent emergency situation, the Crisis Command Group met and activated the Emergency Action Plan.
Kenyon works closely with Knox County and community response teams; groups work in unison to solve situations. Communication is key in crisis; the college has addressed recent problems with the 'get connected' system of email and voice messages to cell phones (system wide test to cell phones on Nov 19). Some concerns realized from the recent emergency situation on campus: timeliness of communication; effectiveness of communication (email, text, voice mail, campus phone, website, campus information number); designating shelters / rally points; establishing grades of 'lockdown'; identifying person in-charge for each campus building. It was the after-action meeting of the Emergency Readiness Group that prompted the policy review of securing campus dormitories.
Members Present: Cathy Kempton, Joann Hickman, Deborah Blundell, Kevin Paskvan, Amy Williams, Carolyn Waggoner, Diana Blue, Rhonda Crunkilton, Karla Goins, Lorie Shults, Carmen King, Mike McCardel
Old Business: PACT sponsored Thanksgiving luncheon well attended.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - Tickets for sale for quilt to be raffled at December luncheon. See a PACT member to purchase tickets - $1 for one; $5 for 6. All proceeds go to Food for the Hungry. Cheer baskets continue to go out and well received. Outreach - New employee packets still going out. Communications - PACT Facts, and meeting summaries announced regularly. Benefits - meeting with Jennifer Cabral on Nov 19. Sustainability -committee will meet Nov 30.
New Business: Emergency Response system. College is evaluating system after recent lockdown: notifications via cell phone, campus phone, and email, and plan of action. Comments can be sent to Hank Toutain, Dean of Students, or PACT.
Current vacancy on PACT will be filled by presidential appointment.
Campus is curious about how new custodial schedule will affect daily campus operation.
President's Town Hall Meeting scheduled for December 10, 3:30 pm, Peirce Pub. PACT encourages employees to ask questions during the open forum. Prepared questions can be given to PACT member.
Members Present: Lorie Shults, Ty McGuire, Karla Goins, Mike McCardel, Amy Williams, Carmen King, Cathy Kempton
Old Business: Halloween party was a success.
Subcommittee Reports: Events - Thanksgiving luncheon coming up Nov. 16. Cheer baskets going out as request are received. Benefits - target on three initiatives to discuss with Jennifer Cabral: wellness, professional development, and birth control. Outreach - send free lunch coupon to new employees for one luncheon during anytime the year. Communications- PACT Facts raising visibility of organization on campus. Valuations - no report. Sustainability - no report.
Laurie Finke in attendance.
Reaccreditation report. Visit went well. Visitation team report due to President Nugent within 6 weeks. Report becomes final 'fact' after approved by Higher Learning Commission Board of Trustees (probably 6 months). Three biggest issues relating to administration / staff: 1- Communication on campus. Kenyon shares lots of information - is it too much? 2- PACT, being presidential advisory group, needs to have representative from president's office in organization. 3- Professional development for staff (see Chapter 4 of report).
Members Present: Joann Hickman, Carmen King, Carol Duvall, Rhonda Crunkliton, Lorie Shults, Karla Goins, Ty McGuire, Diana Blue, Kevin Paskvan, Kathy Kempton, Daleen Kleiner, Amy Williams, Carolyn Waggoner, Mike McCardel, Deborah Blundell
Mark Kohlman in attendance
Discussed Parking Policy and Passes. Time and cost associated with providing tags for all cars belonging to a single employee was great. New policy of registering primary vehicle is meant to save money. Parking is currently constrained due to construction behind the library. With the new student lots (south of KAC), there are enough spots for all cars in campus lots, but space is challenged when people drive from one part of campus to another for class or meetings. Student parking policy is listed on the website; PACT will send email to campus re: designated employee parking areas.
Concern was raised about pedestrian safety - crossing Wiggin Street, on village streets, and with hunting season beginning. All-campus messages would be appreciated.
President Nugent in attendance
Discussed history of PACT as an administrative / staff voice. Faculty has other forums for representation. That said, promoting communication among faculty and staff makes sense. Perhaps the chair of the faculty could be included on the list of guest speakers to PACT. Perhaps PACT could attend faculty meeting.
In other business, President Nugent discussed with us the ongoing concerns about balancing Kenyon's budget. These have become more pressing as recent incoming classes have required substantially higher amounts of financial aid. The Board of Trustees will be discussing these issues during their meetings at the end of October. PACT has scheduled a Town Hall Meeting with President Nugent to discuss these and other issues. The campus-wide meeting will take place in early December (details will be announced later).
Old Business: Thank you to Teri Blanchard for Town Hall meeting on Kenyon's Budget. Outreach Committee continues to send Care Baskets to employees as need is identified.
New Business: PACT will make campus-wide announcement when meeting summaries have been posted. Most recently hired staff and admin (hired late Sept - mid October) will receive free lunch at October PACT lunch.
Members Present: Lorie Shults, Diana Blue, Ty McGuire, Karla Goins, Daleen Kleiner, Mike McCardel, Amy Williams, Carmen King, Kevin Paskvan, Deborah Blundell, Joann Hickman, Carol Duvall, Cathy Kempton
Old Business: Update on Staff Reaccreditation Meeting - College staff / admin met with President Jill Beck from Lawrence University on Reaccreditation; good turnout among staff / admin.
Subcommittee Reports: Benefits - looking at the following topics - Professional Development, Personal Health Assessment, Birth Control, Due Process (between employee and supervisor), Supervisor Training Link these topics to / take charge from the Reaccreditation Report. Communications - no report. Valuations - no report. Events -Halloween lunch is scheduled; donations are being solicited.
New Business: Discussed R25 ReserveIt system.
Members present: Lorie Shults, Joann Hickman, Diana Blue, Karla Goins, Cathy Kempton, Deborah Blundell, Mike McCardel, Ty McGuire, Kevin Paskvan, Carol Duvall, Carolyn Waggoner, Amy Williams, Rhonda Crunkilton
Subcommittee reports. Events - 75+ people at September All-Emp lunch; PACT will begin to solicit prizes / donations for Halloween lunch. Cheer baskets will be done monthly from here forward. Communications - website has been updated and all of 2009-10 archived. Benefits - no report. Question came to PACT about birth control prescription coverage; will take to HR. Valuations - no report. Outreach - in lieu of New Employee reception, all new employees were invited for free lunch to 1st PACT lunch; 9 new employees joined us and received a goodie bag of candy and welcome packet full of Knox County and college information. This will be on-going throughout year to welcome new employees.
New Business.
Lorie and Carol attended Sustainability Council meeting and reported on topics discussed in that meeting.
Benefits subcommittee will discuss Supervisory Training. All-employees are encouraged to attend September 28 Reaccreditation meeting.
Discussed ideas for subcommittee work.
Jesse Matz in attendance
President Nugent will hold Town Hall Meeting on Friday December 10 at 3:30 pm in Peirce Pub.
Discussed idea of faculty representation in PACT. PACT is the only committee representing administrative / staff voice; faculty has faculty meetings and FAC. Should we consider a liaison relationship with exchange privileges (faculty sits on PACT; PACT member sits in faculty meetings or on FAC)? Jesse raised the question of how faculty might be able to enhance PACT in serving administrators and staff. Do the faculty committees address issues like what PACT does (ie benefits)? Need to consider that the terms of employment are different for faculty and staff / administration, but wherein lie the similarities? Should we do a better job of promoting PACT sub-committee service to faculty and other staff / admin? How, then, can staff / admin become involved in faculty-based committees?
Continued discussion of car registration policy that was started at last PACT meeting. Similar concerns were raised, and Jesse suggested PACT bring this up with Mark Kohlman.
Talked briefly about Employee Shadowing idea. College has precedent for allowing this career / professional development opportunity. It can also build relationships among offices and enhance performance in current job by creating a better understanding of what another office / person does. Jesse will take this idea forward to President Nugent.
Halloween luncheon is coming up; encourage faculty and staff participation and appropriate costumes.
Members present: Lorie Shults, Joann Hickman, Cathy Kempton, Mike McCardel, Carol Duvall, Carmen King, Amy Williams, Diana Blue, Daleen Kleiner, Deborah Blundell, Kevin Paskvan, Carolyn Waggoner, Ty McGuire
Old Business: Valuations reported that the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Tool is available for exempt employees only as a trial July 1, 2010 through December 2011. Human Resources and the Valuations Committee will review the program looking for usage rates and feedback from exempt employees. Discussion - Evaluations are typically due at the end of December, but recognition that each department has its own deadline.
New Business: Reviewed PACT general business:
PACT poster was printed and distributed to campus offices in August.
Mission Inclusion. Discussed how can PACT promote the idea of inclusion, particularly between faculty and staff. Should PACT be open to faculty representation?
Car Registration Policy. Seems the college has forgotten the history of the hang-tags. How does this new policy of registering the tag to the person and not the car fit with the original purpose of hang-tags versus bumper stickers? What is the cost effectiveness of this new policy? Registration policy needs to consider motorcycles; hang-tags don't work on motorcycles. Perhaps additional signage around campus indicating student, employee, and visitor space would be helpful.
Discussed ideas for subcommittee work.