Why Professional Development?
Watch this 2 minute video to see research on why professional development is a key contributor to the health of our institution, and our employees!
Watch this 2 minute video to see research on why professional development is a key contributor to the health of our institution, and our employees!
Human resources is excited to support professional development activities for all employees. See below for upcoming opportunities.
Tech Tuesdays with LBIS, Free, 4pm - Enjoy technology training from video editing to Google Drive and more at the Center for Innovative Pedagogy. Details and Registration.
Omnia Monthly Webinars on Personal Development and Management Skills Registration and Details
Self Paced - Coursera: Free 7-day trial or $49 per month, Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects. Registration
EdX: Self Paced, - $249 for a Verified Certificate, Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement. Registration and Details.
Multiple Dates: $$$, TalentSmart: Emotional Intelligence Certification. Multiple Locations. Details.
Multiple Dates: $$$, The Leadership Challenge. Multiple Locations. Registration and Details
Multiple Dates: $$, Management and Leadership Skills for First-Time Supervisors and Managers. Multiple Locations. Registration and Details
Multiple Dates: Most Popular Management Training Courses offered by the American Management Association. Multiple Locations. Information and Details
Multiple Dates: Seminars and Webinars offered by Bricker and Eckler law firm in Columbus, Ohio http://www.bricker.com/events
Check out the Craft Center's Offerings for each semester!
Sign up for a Lunch & Learn or discover other group programs offered by the Ombuds Office. Scroll to the bottom
Safe Colleges - An online resource for trainings. Course Catalog can be found here.
Check out this article to find over 1500 free full courses on Coursera!
Manager Tools - A library of podcasts for management tips and common issues.
Adobe Education Exchange - Tools to create a custom Adobe digital curriculum.
TIAA Live Webinar Lounge - A variety of financial education topics from TIAA.
Inside Higher Ed - Webinar library of findings from IHE Surveys and current Higher Ed Topics. Free to $$$
ICC - Library of Leadership and Coaching Webinars
Monday Morning Mentor is an online resource for 20-minute courses that cover timely and relevant topics. There is a cost to the department for this service $ to $$$.
Last updated: July 1, 2020.