Please note that these are brief descriptions of the jobs. Additional responsibilities will be added during the weekend. Also, please keep in mind most students do a combination of these jobs. Everyone will work in the registration center at some point during the weekend.
Students average approximately 20 - 30 hours from Thursday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.
On-campus housing will not be provided until the day prior to your start day i.e. Sunday, May 17, for managers and Wednesday, May 20, for all other positions, unless you are hired to work both Senior Week/Commencement and Reunion.
Liaisons live with the class/group they are assigned to and work closely with them to help carry out their social plans. Help set up and manage class activities, check dorm rooms and lounge, assist with other reunion activities and work in registration center. Liaisons also provide assistance during the class photos and Parade of Classes on Saturday and attend class/group dinners on Saturday night.
The registration center managers begin work on the Monday of Reunion week or before, preparing registration materials and working in the registration center from Thursday through Sunday. Set up and manage registration center, assist with other reunion activities. Managers welcome alumni to campus, help them check-in, give them their housing assignment and answer any questions they may have.
Help set up and manage non-class events, assist with other reunion activities such as alumni authors reception, children’s concert, alumni college sessions, greet people, check on site/location and presenter (if applicable), put up/take down event signs and count attendees, and work in registration center.
The Camp Kenyon program for children ages 5-12 runs on Friday from 5 – 11 p.m/ and Saturday
from 3:30 – 11 p.m. Help co-ordinate and assist with activities, games, crafts, etc. monitor and
entertain kids, assist with other reunion activities and work in registration center.