You confirmed your job shadow sponsor. Here are your next steps.
These two pages will clarify your understanding of your role in the process, as well as details to arrange with your sponsor prior to your job shadow.
If you haven't done so already, reply to the email from your sponsor expressing your excitement and gratitude, as well as planning any necessary next steps. For example:
Dear Ms. Rosse,
Thank you for offering me this opportunity to shadow you. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning more about your work on [insert job shadow dates]. I still need to arrange my transportation and housing, but I will keep you updated on my progress. What is the dress code for your office? If you need to contact me anytime, feel free to call or text me on my cell phone (insert cell number). In the meantime, is there anything you suggest I do or read in order to make the most of my time shadowing you?
Thank you,
If unsure about your email, submit a draft of your email to the CDO for feedback using the Professional Document Feedback Request form.
Housing: Start by contacting friends and family, post on social media, ask Kenyon friends, and view Housing Resources. You can also request short-term homestays through the Bed and Breakfast program.
Transportation: Figure out how you are going to travel to and within the location. If the job shadow is in a city, learn the public transportation options. Travel costs can be offset for students on need-based aid by applying to the Waugh Fellowship.
Email your sponsor again when you confirm housing and transportation. Let them know where you’ll be staying, your cell phone number, and offer to schedule a phone call to discuss items in the CDO's Tips for Job Shadow Success.
Email the CDO ( to inform the office of your job shadow. By notifying the CDO, they can provide information regarding liability insurance that covers you during the job shadow. They will also send a small thank you gift to the sponsor following your the job shadow.
You’ll want to establish a base of knowledge about your sponsor, the company, and the industry. Read as much as you can to inform yourself on each of these. As questions arise, write them down in order to ask them during your job shadow. At the end of this document is a list of general questions that can help you prepare. The CDO can also help you brainstorm how to get the most out of the experience.
Bring a small, Kenyon-themed gift to demonstrate your gratitude to your sponsor for creating the job shadow opportunity. Remember, it is the thought that counts here. The gift does not need to be expensive. Do the same for your housing host, if applicable. You can also bring a copy of the Collegian to share current Kenyon events with any alumni sponsors or hosts.
Pack professional attire. It's a good idea to discuss company dress code and appropriate clothing with your sponsor prior to arriving. Pack a notebook or padfolio containing the questions you prepared in advance.
Know your sponsor put a lot of effort into creating this job shadow opportunity. Send a thoughtful thank-you email after the experience. Do the same for everyone you met during the job shadow.
It’s good practice to keep your sponsor informed of your career progression. It’s fulfilling to job shadow sponsors to know that the experience was beneficial and had lasting impact. Create reminders to touch base with your sponsor and anyone else you met every few months. For more advice on how to do this well, meet with a counselor in the CDO.
You will receive a survey from the CDO asking about your experience. Information from the survey will not be provided to anyone outside of the CDO unless you explicitly permit it.
What did you do immediately after Kenyon?
How did you identify job titles of positions that interested you?
Where did you find job openings?
What are the entry-level job titles I should be applying to?
How did you stand out in the application process?
What would you recommend I do now to prepare for this field?
What are valuable ways to spend my summers?
Are there programs or summer jobs you recommend?
Did you go to graduate school? If so, when?
How did you pick the program?
What education, certification or other requirements are necessary to succeed in this field?
What do I need to do to become an attractive candidate for a job in this field?
Are there similar but alternative career paths?
Are there organizations who need volunteers?
Do you belong to a professional association?
What books, publications, newsletters, podcasts, do you recommend I check out to learn more?
If you were in my position, what would you do now to get into this field?
What made you want to go into this field?
What do you find most satisfying about your work? Most frustrating?
What’s a typical day look like?
How did Kenyon prepare you for your work?
What changes are occurring in your field/company?
What are some challenges you are working on?
How much work/life balance does this job offer?
How often and how much do you work odd hours, overtime, and so on?
How much of your day do you spend working with (fill in the blank)?
What personality traits, talents, and skills are most important in your position?
What skills have helped you succeed in this field?
What kind of interactions do you have with peers, colleagues, supervisors, managers, clients? What’s the office culture like?
Is this a typical office culture for this field?
How much variety is there in your work?
Do you feel you are able to express yourself at work (able to be yourself, be creative?)
Do you feel challenged? Intellectually stimulated?
Is this a secure job/field, in terms of income-earning potential, opportunities, future demand? How much do you work one-on-one with people?
How much pressure deadline comes with the job?
How much reading and research is involved?
How much decision making is involved?
How much persuading or selling is involved?
Why do you feel your work is meaningful, important, valued?
How predictable is a given day, week?