Talk to your professors and professionals in your field about which schools have strong programs in your area of interest. If you are considering professional school (law, medicine, business, social work, library science, etc.) plan to speak to the appropriate Kenyon Pre-Professional Advisor. These faculty members (see list below) have volunteered to speak with students about their interest in professional school programs.
Tom Stamp, Bexley Hall 101, x5577
P.J. Glandon, Ascension Hall 310, x5927
Aaron Reinhard, Hayes 106, x5428
Sheryl Hemkin, Tomsich 106, x5093
Harry Itagaki, Higley Hall 107, x5394
John Hofferberth, Tomsich 312, x5360
Sarah Petersen, Sam Mather 118, x5259
Wade Powell, Fischman Wing 202, x5396
Kerry Rouhier, Tomsich Hall 212, x5359
Maureen Tobin, CDO (Lower Gund Commons), x5165
Kyle Henderson, College Relations Center, x5279
Maureen Tobin, CDO (Lower Gund Commons), x5165
Julia Glynn Warga, Olin 316, x5834
Marc Bragin, Bexley Hall, x5228
Rachel Kessler, Church of the Holy Spirit (lower level), x5353
Irene Lopez, Samuel Mather 302, x5373
Jan Thomas, Bailey House 201, x5114
Maureen Tobin, CDO (Lower Gund Commons), x5165