Ready to start your search? Use the links below to search for temporary and permanent employment. If you have questions or trouble accessing any of the resources, contact the Career Development Office at 740-427-5165 or
Handshake is Kenyon's career services management platform. Once logged in, you can search for opportunities on campus, as well as internships and full-time positions off-campus. The off-campus positions listed in Symplicity have been posted specifically by employers to attract Kenyon applications.
Professional Extension Projects are short-term, real-world, project-based learning opportunities that allow students to develop key skills and receive feedback from professionals in their field.
Scouted is a job matching platform that helps college students and recent graduates find great jobs based on who they are, not just how they look on paper.
This page provides additional job search sites and resources for researching potential employers.
Resources for further exploring a specific industry.