Parking spaces at Kenyon College are at a premium. In order for there to be adequate parking for those associated with the college, everyone must adhere to the rules and regulations, use the lots assigned and use them properly.
Vehicles parked along village streets are subject to the laws and ordinances of the Village of Gambier and the State of Ohio. Parking lots are divided into North, South and Staff/Faculty parking. It is vital that these areas be properly utilized. Students may only park their vehicles in the student lots for which their decal allows.
Limited spaces are available to first-year students. The permits will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. All first-year students will be assigned parking in South Lot 3.
South Parking: Most of the parking for upper-class students is located in South Lot 2 (beyond the KAC lot). South Lot 2 does include the smaller parking area east of the outdoor tennis courts. Note: the lots directly to the north and south side of the KAC is restricted for KAC visitors only. These spots should not be used for student permitted vehicles.
North Parking: There is limited parking on the north side of campus. North parking consists of New Apartments and Watson Lots. Only those students who have been assigned to those lots are eligible to park in those lots.
Will be filled based on the availability of spaces and on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students who reside in these spaces are the only ones eligible to register.
Parking for faculty/staff is on a first-come-first-serve basis. While there are enough parking spots to accommodate all faculty and staff, there are very few open spots throughout the workday. Do not assume there will be a spot in another lot if you choose to drive to a meeting or event. Walking is the preferred method of getting around campus during the work day. Students with north or south decals are permitted to park in faculty/staff lots between the hours of 5 p.m. and 2 a.m., seven days a week.
The following is a list of faculty/staff lots. These lots are restricted to faculty/staff parking only, except as indicated above.
A student visitor's vehicle must be registered with Campus Safety. Visitor parking is designated in the following lots and is restricted for the many visitors that come to Kenyon on any given day:
Ward Street: Lewis and Norton Hall parking lots
College-Park Road: Chapel lot and the North Peirce lot
Violators of the restricted parking areas will be ticketed. Any stopped vehicle without a driver physically in the driver's seat is considered parked.
When the need arises to load or unload a vehicle, time is permitted for this activity. When moving in at the start of the academic year or moving out at close of the year, ample time is allotted for this process (usually 15-20 minutes). At other times of the year, if parking for loading or unloading in a restricted area is required, the Office of Campus Safety must be notified prior to the vehicle being parked in the restricted zone or fire lane. At this time permission may be granted for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Vehicles parked in these areas under any other circumstances may be ticketed. Under no circumstances may vehicles be left unattended in a fire lane.