Wolf Run is a clear water stream that flows through the Brown Family Environmental Center before entering the Kokosing River. It's shaded banks provide an input of food to support a diverse aquatic community. Long stretches of the stream have a rocky bottom and there are numerous riffles separating the quiet water of the pools. These riffles provide habitat for a variety of aquatic insects that in turn provide food for a diverse fish community.
Darters are among the most colorful members of this fish community. They prefer riffles, but some species can be found in the quiet water of pools. During the spring spawning seasons the males become brightly colored. Darters tend to be intolerant of pollution and siltation. The presence of darters is an indication that a stream is relatively healthy.
Found at the head of riffles with algal covered rocks two inches or more in diameter. It has a long body with W or V-shaped marks that appear connected along the lateral line. The base of both dorsal fins has a red stripe.
Found in shallow riffles covered with sand and gravel and in areas similar to those inhabited by greenside and variegate darters. Males are brightly colored with 8-13 blue stripes separated by red bands. The basal band of the spinous dorsal fin is red and next to the transparent edge the band is blue.
Most common in pools and under rocky ledges. It often seeks shelter among roots and wood piles.
Widespread species that inhabits moderate riffles. It is primarily a bottom feeder and schools of this fish are found where the bottom has an abundant supply of small plant and animals for it to eat. It requires sandy-gravel bottoms for spawning. The mouth is characteristic of the species.
• Central Johnny Darter
• Banded Darter
• Eastern Greenside Darter
• Barred Fantail Darter
• Central Mottled Sculpin
• Northern Creek Chub
• Striped Shiner
• Common Shiner
• Bluntnose Minnow
• Ohio Stoneroller Minnow
• Southern Redbelly Dace
• Redside Dace
• Western Blacknose Dace
• Hogsucker
• Northern Bluegill Sunfish
• Rock Bass