□ Have you read through the First Things First Guide that was mailed to your home address?
□ Do you clearly and fully understand the degree requirements (i.e. majors, credits, enrollments, residency, GPA, non-major coursework, diversification, foreign languages, quantitative reasoning)?
□ Do you clearly and fully understand course enrollment procedures/standards and course credits/grades?
□ Have you added the academic calendar to your personal Google calendar?
□ Have you submitted your AP/IB scores (and/or scores for exams taken in high school)?
□ Have you taken your placement exams (e.g. foreign languages, math, science, music)?
□ Have you reviewed departmental websites and attended departmental presentations?
□ Have you checked out the appropriate introductory classes for departments/programs of interest? (Review the First Things First Guide as well as departmental websites.)
□ Have you reviewed the Searchable Schedule and bookmarked courses of interest?
□ Have you consulted with your advisor and your Orientation Leader on your course selection?
□ Have you consulted with the Career Development Office (CDO) about summer opportunities?
□ Have you accessed campus resources (as appropriate) including Library and Information Services (LBIS), Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS), the Math Sciences Skills Center (MSSC), the Writing Center, the Student Health and Counseling Center and the Dean of Students Office?
□ Have you reflected on your first year and thought about your next steps?
□ Have you gotten to know faculty through courses, talks and other campus activities?
□ Have you reviewed your academic progress on your degree evaluation (i.e. credits, requirements) with your advisor?
□ Have you discussed potential majors, minors and concentrations with your advisor (and others)?
□ Have you inquired about research opportunities with faculty during the year and for the summer?
□ Have you consulted with the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) about off-campus study?
□ Have you thought about integrating your academic and non-academic interests?
□ Have you consulted with the Career Development Office (CDO) about summer opportunities?
□ Have you continued to access campus resources (as appropriate)?
□ Have you reflected on your second year and thought about your next steps?
□ Have you reviewed your academic progress on your degree evaluation (i.e. credits, requirements) with your advisor?
□ Have you declared your major, minor and/or concentration with the Registrar's Office?
□ Do you clearly and fully understand the major/minor/concentration requirements?
□ Do you clearly and fully understand the details and timeline for your senior capstone(s)?
□ Have you consulted with the Career Development Office (CDO) about life after Kenyon?
□ Have you reached out to the Office of National Fellowships and Scholarships about postgraduate opportunities?
□ Have you continued to access campus resources (as appropriate)?
□ Have you reflected on your third year and thought about your next steps?
□ Have you reviewed your academic progress on your degree evaluation (i.e. credits, requirements) with your advisor?
□ Do you clearly and fully understand the requirements that you need to complete in order to graduate?
□ Have you started the process of applying to graduate school and/or applying for jobs?
□ Have you thoughts about what academic opportunities you want to take advantage of before graduation?
□ Have you continued to access campus resources (as appropriate)?