Below is a selection of events for orientation 2019 that you are encouraged or required to attend.
Faculty Advisor Training: Opening advising meeting, registrar, department updates, new student programs. All Faculty Advisors are expected to attend. Higley Auditorium
Title IX Training: All faculty required to attend. Higley Auditorium
Students meet orientation leaders (students only). Various locations
Convocation line-up. Middle Path (KAC rain site)
196th Opening Convocation. Samuel Mather Lawn
Convocation lunch. Peirce Hall
Group advising meeting A: students meet advisor. Location requested by advisor
Group advising meeting B: students meet advisor. Location requested by advisor
Foreign language placement exams. See orientation schedule
Music theory placement exam. Storer Computer Lab (back part of Rosse Hall)
Transfer student advising (faculty as assigned). Advisor's office
Academic department presentations. Science Quad
Science and mathematics lunch. Peirce Hall, Alumni Dining Room
As scheduled, OLs meet 1:1 with students to prepare for individual advising sessions.
Academic department presentations. Science Quad
Pre-professional advising sessions: Pre-med. Higley Auditorium
Pre-professional advising sessions: Pre-engineering. Hayes Hall, room 215
Calculus placement exam: Calculus. Hayes Hall, room 109
Individual advising sessions: Advisors meet with first year advisees to get ALT PIN and prepare for registration. Advisor's office
Transfer student course registration. Sam Mather Hall, room 206
Lunch with OL group. Location determined by OL
Course registration #1: Up to 1.25 units. Online
Course registration #2: Additional 1.00 units. Online
Students find their classrooms. Academic buildings with OLs, CAs
New Student Sing. Rosse Hall