Interested in interviewing with Kenyon College?
In order for the Kenyon College admissions team to get to know our Chinese applicants better, we have partnered with InitialView and Vericant. InitialView and Vericant will conduct video interviews and short writing samples with our applicants in Mainland China. InitialView and Vericant do not evaluate candidates but, instead, posts the interviews online for our admissions team to review.
Although the interview is not mandatory, we highly recommend you sit for the InitialView or Vericant interview, as it will give you an excellent opportunity to showcase your personality, skills and professionalism to our admissions team. The interview will form part of your application package if you opt to sit the interview. The interview deadline is February 1, 2019.
To learn more about InitialView and to schedule an interview, please visit
To learn more about Vericant and to schedule an interview, please visit