Temperature in the United States is measured on the Fahrenheit scale (°F). There is a mathematical formula to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit (and vice versa):
Normal body temperature is 98.6°F or 37°C. Here are a few more helpful conversions:
Fahrenheit (°F) | Celsius (°C) |
0 | -17.8 |
14 | -10 |
32 | 0 |
50 | 10 |
68 | 20 |
86 | 30 |
104 | 40 |
212 | 100 |
In the United States, weight is expressed in terms of ounces (oz) and pounds (lbs).
U.S. System | Metric System |
1 oz. | 30 grams (g) |
16 oz. or 1 lb. | 450 g. |
2.2 lbs. | 1000 g. or 1 kg. |
2000 lbs. or 1 ton | 900 kg. |
In the United States, the metric system is only rarely used as the standard of linear measure. See the table below for the most widely used standards.
Term | Abbreviation | Symbol | Equivalent |
inch | in. | " | - |
foot | ft. | ' | 12 inches = 1 foot |
yard | yd. | (none) | 36 in. = 3 ft. = 1 yd. |
mile | mi. | (none) | 5280 ft. = 1 mile |
Length/distance conversion:
U.S. System | Metric System |
1 inch | 2.64 centimeters (cm) |
1 yard | 91.44 cm. |
1 mile | 1.609 kilometers. |
Electrical outlets = 110-120 volts, 60 cycles. Higher volts (220+) require a transformer and an adapter.
Measurements for recipes in the United States are in terms of volume rather than weight for dry and liquid ingredients. The standards of measurement such as teaspoon (tsp) or cup (c) refer to kitchen utensils that you can buy at any supermarket. The terms do not refer to the common household teaspoon or cup.
Abbreviations used in cookbooks:
Abbreviation | Unit of measurement |
tsp or t | teaspoon |
tbs or T | tablespoon |
C or c | cup |
oz | ounce |
pt | pint |
qt | quart |
lb | pound |
Liquid measurements:
Spoons and cups | Liquid ounces |
1 tsp. | 1/6 oz. |
1 tbs. | 1/2 oz. |
6 2/3 tbs. | 3 1/2 oz. |
1 c. (16 tbs.) | 8 oz. |
2 c. (1 pt.) | 16 oz. (1 lb.) |
4 c. (1 qt.) | 32 oz. (2 lbs.) |
4 1/3 c. | 2.2 lbs. |
Volume conversion for ingredients:
Type | U.S. System | Metric System |
Liquid | 1 liquid quart (qt) | 0.95 liter |
Liquid | 1.06 liquid qts. | 1 liter |
Dry | 0.91 dry qts. | 1 liter |
Dry | 1 dry qt. | 1.1 liter |
Unlike most of the world's system for writing dates (day/month/year), in the United States dates are written month/day/year. In formal documents, you may see August 10, 2014, but whenever the date is shortened to numbers only, it will be written as 08/10/2014 or 8/10/14.
Clothing and shoes size differ in the United States from most other countries. The charts below provide approximate conversions, but as there are often size inconsistencies between individual companies, trying on clothing before you buy it is usually recommended.
U.S. stores use a combination of numbers and labels (small, medium, large and extra large) to designate clothing size. Here are the approximate numerical sizes that correspond to the labels:
XS (extra small) = 0-2
S (small) = 4-6
M (medium) = 8-10
L (large) = 12-14
XL (extra large) = 16-18
XXL/XXXL sizes (20+) are also available depending on the company.
Download a size conversion chart for women's clothing (including stockings and shoes).
S (small) = 34
M (medium) = 36-38
L (large) = 40
XL (extra large) = 42-44
XXL = 46-48
Download a size conversion chart for men's clothing (including socks and shoes).