Kenyon has quite a few unique acronyms and abbreviations that you will learn throughout your time here. This list contains most of them, but you can always ask a fellow student, faculty or staff member if you are not sure what something means.
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AT - Assistant teacher
AVI - Kenyon's dining services contractor
BFEC - Brown Family Environmental Center
CA - Community advisor (student residence hall staff)
CDO - Career Development Office
CGE - Center for Global Engagement
CV - Curriculum vitae (résumé)
DA - Discrimination advisor
DS - Disability services
GPA - Grade point average
HCC - Health and Counseling Center
Hill, the Hill - Refers to Kenyon
HR - Human resources
IPHS - Integrated Program in Humane Studies
ISAK - International Society at Kenyon (student organization)
KAC - Kenyon Athletic Center
KCDC - Kenyon Dance and Dramatic Club
KCMUN - Kenyon College Model United Nations
KCN - Kenyon Career Network
KEEP - Kenyon Educational Enrichment Program
KF - Kenyon Fund (annual giving fund)
KFS - Kenyon Film Society
KISS - Kenyon Information and Support Service
KPF - Kenyon Parents Fund (annual giving fund)
LBIS - Library and Information Services
LD - Learning disability
LEARN - Linking Education Advising Resources and Needs
LTC - Library and technology consultant
LSAT - Law School Admissions Test
MCAT - Medical College Admissions Test
PC - Peer counselors
REACH - Recognizing Each Other's Ability to Conquer the Hill
SAC - Student Affairs Center
SAMOSA - South Asian Multicultural Organization for Student Awareness
SASS - Student Accessibility Support Services
SAT - Standardized Achievement Test
SKAP - Summer Kenyon Academic Partnership
SMA - Sexual misconduct advisor
UCC - Upperclass counselor
VCAT - Veterinary College Admissions Test
WKCO - Student radio station (91.9 FM)