A collaborative team of women/gender/sexuality faculty from Allegheny, Denison, Kenyon and DePauw was awarded a GLCA Expanding Collaboration Initiative grant to hold two curriculum development workshops for faculty over two years.
The first workshop, on the introductory course in W/G/S and queer studies will be held in Ann Arbor from May 23-25, 2016. A second workshop will be held a year later in 2017 to develop strategies for infusing transnational issues throughout the W/G/S curriculum in order to meet our responsibilities for global education.
Workshops will support up to 25 participants drawn from schools across the GLCA. The grant will pay for each participant’s travel, hotel, food, and materials.
To register, email your registration form to Laurie Finke at finkel@kenyon.edu in Word or as a PDF, expanding the spaces on the form as needed. The deadline to register is December 1, 2015.
The GLCA Expanding Collaboration Grant pays for each participant's travel, hotel, food, and materials.
Download the registration form (Word doc).