Areas of Expertise
Gravitational-wave physics, astrophysics and computational physics.
Areas of Expertise
Gravitational-wave physics, astrophysics and computational physics.
Areas of Expertise
Algebraic Coding Theory, cryptography, history of mathematics in the Islamic World, mathematics education.
Areas of Expertise
Materials science, crystal growth, surface chemistry.
Areas of Expertise
Cosmology and astrophysics, gravitational waves, computational physics.
Areas of Expertise
Plant molecular and developmental genetics.
Areas of Expertise
Scaling and macroecology, plant and insect herbivore communities
Areas of Expertise
Computer experiments, including prediction and design for simulator and physical experiments. Use and development of statistical methodology in collaborative scientific settings.
Areas of Expertise
Quantum mechanics, information theory, computation, thermodynamics and black hole physics.
Areas of Expertise
Computer science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, computer science pedagogy, and visualization of complex mathematical spaces.
Areas of Expertise
Computational condensed matter physics.
Areas of Expertise
Gravitational-wave physics, astrophysics, data analysis