Areas of Expertise
Social and cognitive development, late adolescence and emerging adulthood, parenting practices.
Areas of Expertise
Social and cognitive development, late adolescence and emerging adulthood, parenting practices.
Areas of Expertise
Social psychology, emotions, person perception
Areas of Expertise
Cognitive and social neuroscience, perception of social agents, face processing, human neuroscience methods.
Areas of Expertise
Social psychology, new and emerging media, research design.
Areas of Expertise
Self-consciousness, paranoia, evolution of human sexuality, prejudice and genocide.
Areas of Expertise
Cross-cultural psychopathology, women's issues in ethnic minority communities, acculturation and mental health, skin color.
Areas of Expertise
Ecological and environmental psychology, personality assessment, interpersonal perception
Areas of Expertise
Behavioral pharmacology of learning and memory, drugs and conditioning, contextual effects on memory, animal models of retrograde amnesia.
Areas of Expertise
Statistics, research methods, gender and social issues, sexuality.
Areas of Expertise
Cognitive psychology, methods in cognitive psychology.
Areas of Expertise
Adult development and aging; health psychology; identity development.