Psychology major Ruby Schiff '21 discusses executive producing the Oscar-winning documentary "Period. End of Sentence."
Assistant Professor of Psychology Leah Dickens explains the science of being thankful.
How have smartphones shaped today’s young adults? Psychologist Jean M. Twenge will share her expert insight. Twenge, a professor…
Bryan Anderson '08 is carving a niche in the field of social work providing children with tools to understand and manage their emotions…
Psychology professor Sarah Murnen and her students examine and challenges gender stereotyping in toys.
An introduction to psychology class led Greg Carr '04 to a career developing new drugs to treat psychiatric and neurological disorders…
Faculty and student research into the trend of sexualized clothing for girls drew worldwide media attention.
At Kenyon, psychology is taught as the scientific study of human and animal behavior and mental processes.
The department is known for its emphasis on research, and students have extraordinary opportunities for both independent study and collaborative work with professors in a range of fields, from cognition in the elderly to behavioral pharmacology.
To fully understand the foundations of psychological behavior, students select from courses in learning and motivation, perception, physiology, neurophysiology and the psychology of language. Expressions of these concepts in social situations are examined in courses in child development, abnormal psychology, the social psychology and theories of personality, to name a few.